Converting PPT drawing to Word, other than Send-To?



I need to convert PPT Drawing object to Word template
because of the size of the template, the objects dislocate when pasted
the accuracy AND EDITABILITY of the drawing is essential
so I tried send-to then copy to the template/copy from preview pane
both of them work, sustain position and functionality
But the file size is too big

Is there anyway other than the 3 listed on top that you can convert drawing
on PPT to work without sacrificing editability, accuracy, size and ease of

thank you very much


Let me get this straight - You want to create a graphic object in a program
'reasonably' well equipped for the purpose, then dump the finished product
into a glorified text file & still be able to enjoy all the rights &
priveleges of a graphics editor without giving anything up. Sorry, but the
"I want it all & I want it now" button is still in R&D :>)

While waiting for MS attorneys to work around the patents on Staples' "Easy"
button, though, you might try a different approach such as one of these
(among several others):

1- Save the graphic in a one-slide PPt file, then use Word's Insert>Object -
Create From File command & tick the option for Link to File. When changes
need to be made to the graphic, open the PPt file, make the changes as you
normally would & save. The image in the Word file will update based on the
status of the link each time it is used.

2- Assuming the graphic is the only content on the slide use PPt's Save As &
pick an actual graphics file format (EMF would probably be best for your
purpose) from the Save As Type: list & choose Current Slide Only when
prompted. In Word use Insert>Picture - From File & choose the option for
Link to File by clicking the arrow on the right edge of the Insert Button -
that keeps the size of your Word file smaller.

When you need to modify the graphic, insert it into a PPt, ungroup & edit,
repeat the save as instructions above to overwrite the previous version
(same file name, same location). The Word file will stay up-to-date based on
the link to the EMF, so any new files based on the template will include the
most current version of the image.

BTW - if you want *previously created* files to update the graphic based on
changes made to it since the doc was created, that's a whole different (and
nearly impossible) task.

Also, any option that would call for editing the graphic is Word is probably
going to be limited because Word's drawing tools are quite limited compared
to their implementation in PPt.

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