Bill Nichols
Good Morning al
I have been following the recent articles about using pasting the sql behind a query int
a private sub. I have tried using this for an update query but with no success. Does th
syntax change at all
I am running 2000 and my sub code is
docmd.RunSql "UPDATE Completed SET Completed.Name = [ED]![Name]
The table names are Completed and ED and I am trying to update the
Name fiel
Has anybody got any suggestions
Thanks for any tip
I have been following the recent articles about using pasting the sql behind a query int
a private sub. I have tried using this for an update query but with no success. Does th
syntax change at all
I am running 2000 and my sub code is
docmd.RunSql "UPDATE Completed SET Completed.Name = [ED]![Name]
The table names are Completed and ED and I am trying to update the
Name fiel
Has anybody got any suggestions
Thanks for any tip