Converting RUNSQL Macro to VBA

  • Thread starter Michael Carakatsane
  • Start date

Michael Carakatsane

I want to convert a Macro I use to the equivalent VBA code.
The Macro is a RUNSQL. I copied the SQL code from the
Macro and put it into a Query Definition that I execute as
an action. The code is:

Private Sub cmdAdd_to_Summary_Click()
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim StrSQL As String
StrSQL = "Insert INTO Summary(Contact_Id) Select
List_Sel_Records.Contact_Id from List_Sel_Records"
Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("", StrSQL)
qdf.Execute dbFailOnError
End Sub

When I execute the VBA code after sucessfully running it
once and the records I am inserting into table Summary are
short, I get a Run-Time Error 3061 Too few parameters.
Expected 1. If it?s the first time through and I select
all records in underlying table with the query
List_Sel_Records it inserts the records perfectly.

What I would like is for the VBA code to execute like the
Macro. When the code runs I would like the alert message
to be displayed which says I am going to append so many
records. If there are duplicate keys, it would then give
me another warning message to which I respond Yes and the
table is updated with just the new unique keys.

Is there a way to get the equivalent action in VBA.




If I understand what you are trying to do, here's a
possible solution:

docmd.runsql "insert into ..." etc.

if you don't set warning messages off first, this will
work exactly the same as if you were opening the SQL
statement saved as an action query from the database

I hope this helps...

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