sarah W
Hi friends
We have a situation where an elementary planning technique
software outputting all its strategic plans in to a word
document. I am trying to conver this in to an excel file
in order to design a database.
The output looks like this( I am giving only thee samples
1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 but the list consisits of 10 -15 plans).
1.1 Staff Training Plan -- Priority: A
The Purpose of this plan is: To have an operations team
that has the appropriate skills and abilities to perform
The Strategy for achieving this will be:
1) Prepare a brief report describing the specific skills
and knowledge required to operate the warehouse
Timeframe - by 15.07.04
2) Survey & briefly document the current level of relevent
skills each member of our team has
Timeframe - by 10.08.04
3) Prepare a schedule of training sessions necessary to
fill the skill gap
Timeframe - by 30.08.04
The Person or Position Responsible & Accountable for
delivering the above is:
1), 2) by DW
3) RD
1.2 Inventory Training Plan -- Priority: C
The Purpose of this plan is: To put in place systems to
ensure we have the right adequate stock level to meet most
demand situations without carrying uneconomical inventory
The Strategy for achieving this will be:
1) Prepare the appropriate RFP for a computer system to
meet this requirement
Timeframe - RFP received by end of October
2) Request a management decision
Timeframe - by end of 2004
1.3 Fast Turnaround Dispatch Plan -- Priority: B RH
The Purpose of this plan is: To be in a position to
provide delivery within 24 hours for a 90% of orders
The Strategy for achieving this will be:
1) Prepare a brief procedure manual covering each step of
the order-filling process
Timeframe - by 15.10.04
The Person or Position Responsible & Accountable for
delivering the above is:
I am planning to have excel headers
Plan No - 1.2, 1.2 1.3 etc
Plan Name:
Person Responsible
My problem is that I do not know the code to seperate out
text strings what I plan to have headers (plan Name),
Priority, purpose etc in to excel columns and list each
description under them in each row.
Can Somebody please tell me a code for this or point me to
an article which will help me to do this.
Sarah W
We have a situation where an elementary planning technique
software outputting all its strategic plans in to a word
document. I am trying to conver this in to an excel file
in order to design a database.
The output looks like this( I am giving only thee samples
1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 but the list consisits of 10 -15 plans).
1.1 Staff Training Plan -- Priority: A
The Purpose of this plan is: To have an operations team
that has the appropriate skills and abilities to perform
The Strategy for achieving this will be:
1) Prepare a brief report describing the specific skills
and knowledge required to operate the warehouse
Timeframe - by 15.07.04
2) Survey & briefly document the current level of relevent
skills each member of our team has
Timeframe - by 10.08.04
3) Prepare a schedule of training sessions necessary to
fill the skill gap
Timeframe - by 30.08.04
The Person or Position Responsible & Accountable for
delivering the above is:
1), 2) by DW
3) RD
1.2 Inventory Training Plan -- Priority: C
The Purpose of this plan is: To put in place systems to
ensure we have the right adequate stock level to meet most
demand situations without carrying uneconomical inventory
The Strategy for achieving this will be:
1) Prepare the appropriate RFP for a computer system to
meet this requirement
Timeframe - RFP received by end of October
2) Request a management decision
Timeframe - by end of 2004
1.3 Fast Turnaround Dispatch Plan -- Priority: B RH
The Purpose of this plan is: To be in a position to
provide delivery within 24 hours for a 90% of orders
The Strategy for achieving this will be:
1) Prepare a brief procedure manual covering each step of
the order-filling process
Timeframe - by 15.10.04
The Person or Position Responsible & Accountable for
delivering the above is:
I am planning to have excel headers
Plan No - 1.2, 1.2 1.3 etc
Plan Name:
Person Responsible
My problem is that I do not know the code to seperate out
text strings what I plan to have headers (plan Name),
Priority, purpose etc in to excel columns and list each
description under them in each row.
Can Somebody please tell me a code for this or point me to
an article which will help me to do this.
Sarah W