Here is a function that should convert a string of all words to a number
value. It only handles positive whole numbers up to 999 trillion.
It seems to work for everything I have tested it on. If it fails please
let me know what your input was and how it failed. This should work in
all versions of Access AFTER Access 97.
'============ Code begins ==================================
Public Function fStringWordsToNumber(ByVal strIN) As Variant
'Convert a string to a number
'One Million One thousand two hundred forty one > 1,001,241
Dim vArray(32, 1)
Dim vStr As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim LCurrent
Dim sCalc0 As String, sCalc1 As String
vArray(0, 0) = "zero": vArray(0, 1) = 0
vArray(1, 0) = "one": vArray(1, 1) = 1
vArray(2, 0) = "two": vArray(2, 1) = 2
vArray(3, 0) = "three": vArray(3, 1) = 3
vArray(4, 0) = "four": vArray(4, 1) = 4
vArray(5, 0) = "five": vArray(5, 1) = 5
vArray(6, 0) = "six": vArray(6, 1) = 6
vArray(7, 0) = "seven": vArray(7, 1) = 7
vArray(8, 0) = "eight": vArray(8, 1) = 8
vArray(9, 0) = "nine": vArray(9, 1) = 9
vArray(10, 0) = "ten": vArray(10, 1) = 10
vArray(11, 0) = "eleven": vArray(11, 1) = 11
vArray(12, 0) = "twelve": vArray(12, 1) = 12
vArray(13, 0) = "thirteen": vArray(13, 1) = 13
vArray(14, 0) = "Fourteen": vArray(14, 1) = 14
vArray(15, 0) = "Fifteen": vArray(15, 1) = 15
vArray(16, 0) = "Sixteen": vArray(16, 1) = 16
vArray(17, 0) = "seventeen": vArray(17, 1) = 17
vArray(18, 0) = "eighteen": vArray(18, 1) = 18
vArray(19, 0) = "nineteen": vArray(19, 1) = 19
vArray(20, 0) = "twenty": vArray(20, 1) = 20
vArray(21, 0) = "thirty": vArray(21, 1) = 30
vArray(22, 0) = "forty": vArray(22, 1) = 40
vArray(23, 0) = "fifty": vArray(23, 1) = 50
vArray(24, 0) = "sixty": vArray(24, 1) = 60
vArray(25, 0) = "seventy": vArray(25, 1) = 70
vArray(26, 0) = "eighty": vArray(26, 1) = 80
vArray(27, 0) = "ninety": vArray(27, 1) = 90
vArray(28, 0) = "hundred": vArray(28, 1) = 10 ^ 2
vArray(29, 0) = "thousand": vArray(29, 1) = 10 ^ 3
vArray(30, 0) = "million": vArray(30, 1) = 10 ^ 6
vArray(31, 0) = "billion": vArray(31, 1) = 10 ^ 9
vArray(32, 0) = "Trillion": vArray(32, 1) = 10 ^ 12
On Error GoTo Proc_Error
strIN = Replace(strIN, ",", "") 'strip out commas
If Len(strIN & vbNullString) = 0 Then
fStringWordsToNumber = Null 'Optionally set to zero
'split string into words based on
vStr = Split(strIN, " ")
For i = LBound(vStr) To UBound(vStr)
LCurrent = fStringWordsToNumberSub(vStr(i), vArray)
If IsNull(LCurrent) = False Then
Select Case LCurrent
Case Is > 999
sCalc0 = sCalc0 & " +((" & sCalc1 & ") *" & LCurrent & ")"
sCalc1 = vbNullString
Case 100
sCalc1 = sCalc1 & "*" & LCurrent '& ")"
Case Is < 100
sCalc1 = sCalc1 & "+" & LCurrent
End Select
End If
Next i
' Debug.Print sCalc0, sCalc1
'Check to see if there is anything to calculate
If Len(Trim(sCalc0 & sCalc1)) = 0 Then
fStringWordsToNumber = Null
fStringWordsToNumber = Eval(sCalc0 & sCalc1)
End If
End If 'Len(strIN & vbNullString) = 0
Exit Function
fStringWordsToNumber = Null
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , "fStringWordsToNumber"
End Function
Private Function fStringWordsToNumberSub(strVal, arrVals)
Dim lReturn
Dim i As Integer
lReturn = Null
For i = LBound(arrVals) To UBound(arrVals)
If strVal = arrVals(i, 0) Then
lReturn = arrVals(i, 1)
Exit For
End If
fStringWordsToNumberSub = lReturn
End Function
'========= Code ends ================================
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Does anyone know how to convert a text string into a real number? For
example I have a field that returns the value "SIX" but I need to convert it
into the number "6" to do a comparison with an integer field.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Simple numbers, i.e. 0 to 9?
Probably the simplest method would be to create a table with 9
MyNumber NumText
0 Zero
1 One
2 Two
....etc ..
9 Nine
Then in your query where you wish to convert "Six" to 6, write:
LookUp("[MyNumber]","TableName","[NumText] ] = '" &
[MyFieldName] & "'")