Converting text to Merge Field and vice versa



I am attempting to generate a report that would merge values from tw
seperate EXCEL files into one WORD file. I can not combine them sinc
each has 245 fields. I would first like to merge one file then lin
that file to second and merge from it. The only issue is that I nee
all the merge fields to exist before the first merge. I am usin
templates that house merge fields and are currently not connected to a
EXCEL file so that I can combine numerous templates to create a fina
output and then connect the final piece with the merge. My mai
thought was to find way to put all of the fields in the file, the
convert the fields corresponding with the 2nd merge file to text, merg
it with the first file, and then convert the text fields back to merg
fields in order to merge with the next. If anyone has solved a simila
problem, please let me know. This is the only solution I could thin
of, but if there is another, please let me know.



You are going to have to create two mailmerge main documents, one for each
Excel data source. Then after you execute the mailmerge for each one to a
new document, use a macro to create a third document for each record in the
data source by combining the two halves of the document.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.
Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Chizz,
I am attempting to generate a report that would merge values from two
seperate EXCEL files into one WORD file. I can not combine them since
each has 245 fields. I would first like to merge one file then link
that file to second and merge from it. The only issue is that I need
all the merge fields to exist before the first merge. I am using
templates that house merge fields and are currently not connected to an
EXCEL file so that I can combine numerous templates to create a final
output and then connect the final piece with the merge. My main
thought was to find way to put all of the fields in the file, then
convert the fields corresponding with the 2nd merge file to text, merge
it with the first file, and then convert the text fields back to merge
fields in order to merge with the next
I'd say this should be possible using VBA + Find/Replace with wildcards.
Just make sure the things you want to find are marked using unique
characters. Search the first instance of the unique characters
(<<Fieldname>>, for example), and insert the correct mergefield in its

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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