mls via AccessMonster.com
I have any array which read a csv file and I am using split and populate
these fields into my table..
temp= 5245,test1,23.45
Now I want to convert my text fields to number and decimels respectively.
I tried the following functions but this works fine if they are number and
fails it was text value.
TESTID = CInt(sampleid) 'CInt(myarray(1))Convert to number
CT_num = CDec(ct_val)
these fields into my table..
temp= 5245,test1,23.45
Now I want to convert my text fields to number and decimels respectively.
I tried the following functions but this works fine if they are number and
fails it was text value.
TESTID = CInt(sampleid) 'CInt(myarray(1))Convert to number
CT_num = CDec(ct_val)