Converting To Caps


Bob H

Is there a way to highlight entire phrases in a Word document and convert
the entire phrase to capital letters (lower case to upper case), rather than
retype the entire phrase? Also is it possible to highlight a phrase and
have all the first letters of words convert from lower case to upper case?
I have to go through a document and convert sections of phrases to all upper
case letters, I would rather not retype the entire section.

Thanks, Bob

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can use All Caps formatting (Format | Font) for this, or as Greg
suggests, you can use Format | Change Case. The difference is that the
latter actually changes the underlying character code of the letters, just
as if you had typed them with Caps Lock on. The former is a font property
(like italic or bold) that will not be retained if you paste the text into a
plain-text environment.

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