Converting to PDF and Deleting New Page Section Breaks



I have been working on a document for weeks now with the intent of converting
it to a PDF. When I do convert it (by "printing" as flashpaper and then
saving as a PDF), blank pages keep popping up. I figured out that the "blank
pages" are actually "New Page Section Breaks," however, attempting to remedy
this has proved to be frustrating and without reason.

If I attempt delete the section break, it of course alters the section along
with headers and footers and page number.

If I attempt to change the type of section break, like to a "continuous"
section break (which does not show up as blank pages in converting it to
PDF), the app simply will not allow me to do it. I've tried inserting new
"continuous" section breaks, then deleting the "new page" section break to no
avail. It won't delete.

Save starting all over, is there some else I can do?


First thing first, why are you not "printing" to PDF directly from Word if
you have the software to do so?

With the "New Page Section Breaks", have you inserted these for a specifc
reason, ie to allow different headers and footers? If that is so, you require
these breaks to allow the changes in H&Fs.

If you don't require different H&Fs, why not use Format, Paragraph, Page
Break Before on the paragraph you want at the start of the new page. This
will effectly do the same without the insertion of breaks and this might not
affect your "printing".

If you require different H&Fs to reflect the Section headings, try using the
Field for StyleRef and assign it to the Heading level you wish to appear.
These fields automatically change as the headings change, without the need
for section breaks.

Hope this helps.
Best of luck

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