I'm working on a 32 page brochure. When I try to convert it to a pdf, it
fails. It creates a file that says there is a restriction on a lucinda
bright font. When I go to to the commertian printing tools font options,
that font is listed and says that it may not be embedded, but gives me no
option to change it. I cannot find the font anywhere in my publication to
change it. (I get items from several different people and copied and pasted
them to my publication)
fails. It creates a file that says there is a restriction on a lucinda
bright font. When I go to to the commertian printing tools font options,
that font is listed and says that it may not be embedded, but gives me no
option to change it. I cannot find the font anywhere in my publication to
change it. (I get items from several different people and copied and pasted
them to my publication)