Converting Word 9 Macros to Word 2002 Macros


CD Bob

Created extensive macros, automating laborious tasks, in
Word 9 (or 2000) but we are using Word 2002 now and cannot
open nor edit the macros in 2002. Any way to accomplish
this without resorting to rebuilding them in their
entirety? Macros will run, but need to be edited to
reflect current operating conditions. No copy of Word
9/2000 exists since corporate upgraded.

Suggestions deeply appreciated.

Jay Freedman

Hi, Bob,

Are you getting the message "Project is unviewable" when you try to
display the code in the VBA editor? If so, you need to open the
template directly -- use File > Open and navigate to the folder
containing the template. Once it's opened as if it were a document,
the macros should be viewable.

There is no difference in file format between Word 2000 and Word 2002,
so there should be no difficulty in editing the macros once you can
view them.

Howard Kaikow

I suspect that someone (in)advertently put the template in Word's Startup
directory or somehow declared the template to be global.

Put your working copy in Word's template directory.

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