When attempting to convert a document to an eBook, I get the error message:
Unable to build the eBook (error 66: Unrecognized CSS directive: '@list'.
This content would fail inthe original Pocket PC version of the Reader, and
must not appear in files compatible with that version.).
How do I get around this? Is there particular formatting in the document I
am converting that causes this? I did an edit/find and, of course, there was
no occurence of "@list"
Thanks - Ellen
Unable to build the eBook (error 66: Unrecognized CSS directive: '@list'.
This content would fail inthe original Pocket PC version of the Reader, and
must not appear in files compatible with that version.).
How do I get around this? Is there particular formatting in the document I
am converting that causes this? I did an edit/find and, of course, there was
no occurence of "@list"
Thanks - Ellen