Converting Word to Excel


Dennis Hughes

I have inherited a neighborhood roster of 409 properties in MS Word.

I need to get it into Excel to make a bookfold directory in word.

I have manually placed each property on its own line with tabs between the
fields i.e. name, address, telephone, etc..

I'm using Office2003 and have tried many ways to import it into excel, but
to no avail.

What would you suggest?



Suzanne S. Barnhill

Why do you need to get it into Excel? Use Table | Convert | Text to Table to
convert the tab-delimited text into a table. You can then copy/paste into
Excel if you like, but you can equally well use the Word table as a mail
merge data source. For only 409 properties, I'd be tempted to leave it in

Dennis Hughes

I've never used a word table as a base for the directory.

Will try it. Thanks,


Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you have Word 2002 or 2003, create the table as a separate document. Put
your field names in the top row and mark it as a heading row. Then select
this as your data source when you come to the appropriate point in the
Wizard, or, if you're using the "express" method (see, when you click on
the Open Data Source button on the Mail Merge toolbar.

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