Coping a Worksheet - but Getting an Error



I'm trying to use the following code to select a worksheet from one opened
file to another(filename 'fName' is passed to the sub function):

FileList = Application _
.GetOpenFilename( _
FilterIndex:=1, _
Title:="Open File That Contains Anderson

Workbooks.Open Filename:=FileList
Sheets("Anderson List").Select
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Workbooks(fName).Sheets
End Sub

But I'm getting a subscript out of range error. Any ideas why?


It seems that you're missing the sheet of which the copy should be placed
after. However, that causes a different error. Make sure the fName is set
appropriately. After you get the error, hover your mouse pointer over fName
and see if it displays the correct file name. Also, make sure that file is

Good Luck,


I would also recommend testing to see if the worksheet "Anderson List" exists
before trying to select it.

Not sure what is included in fName, if it is a full path and not just the
name of the file, that may be an issue, also the fact that .xls is on the end
of the filename may be a problem if it is there?

Just an idea....

PCLIVE said:
It seems that you're missing the sheet of which the copy should be placed
after. However, that causes a different error. Make sure the fName is set
appropriately. After you get the error, hover your mouse pointer over fName
and see if it displays the correct file name. Also, make sure that file is

Good Luck,

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