I need to copy a single formula cell to a range of cells. I can do it with
a range statement I learned of yesterday but I want to use cell notation so
I can make the cell copy dynamic. How can I do it? For reference, the
formula in my cell to copy from looks like this:
=IF(SectionData!$I3='Transformed data'!BG$2,1,0).
Thanks in advance!
This works great but I'd like to use cell notation instead.
' Copies a single formula cell to a range of cells.
oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data").Range("BG4", "CE321").Formula =
oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data").Range("BG3").Formula
In this experiment I get the error "Object variable or With Block variables
not set". I haven't figured how to solve the error message but this is the
formula I really need to make work
oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data").Range(Cells(3, 58), Cells(320,
58 + iCitizenshipCount)).Formula = _
oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data").Range("BG3").Formula
In this experiment the cells copied but it copied the exact formula to each
cell, the formula cell references did not change. Also, this is very slow!
For X = 3 To 320
For Y = 1 To iCitizenshipCount
oSheet.Cells(X, 58 + Y).Formula =
oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data").Range("BG3").Formula
Here is how I clear and copy data to the spreadsheet with no problems:
' Clear Parameters: Citizenship Section
Set oSheet = oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data")
oSheet.Range("BG2:CE2").Value = ""
oSheet.Range("BH3:CE3").Value = ""
oSheet.Range("BG4:CE320").Value = ""
'Transfer the array to the worksheet
oSheet.Range("BG2:CE2").Resize(1, iCitizenshipCount).Value =
a range statement I learned of yesterday but I want to use cell notation so
I can make the cell copy dynamic. How can I do it? For reference, the
formula in my cell to copy from looks like this:
=IF(SectionData!$I3='Transformed data'!BG$2,1,0).
Thanks in advance!
This works great but I'd like to use cell notation instead.
' Copies a single formula cell to a range of cells.
oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data").Range("BG4", "CE321").Formula =
oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data").Range("BG3").Formula
In this experiment I get the error "Object variable or With Block variables
not set". I haven't figured how to solve the error message but this is the
formula I really need to make work
oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data").Range(Cells(3, 58), Cells(320,
58 + iCitizenshipCount)).Formula = _
oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data").Range("BG3").Formula
In this experiment the cells copied but it copied the exact formula to each
cell, the formula cell references did not change. Also, this is very slow!
For X = 3 To 320
For Y = 1 To iCitizenshipCount
oSheet.Cells(X, 58 + Y).Formula =
oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data").Range("BG3").Formula
Here is how I clear and copy data to the spreadsheet with no problems:
' Clear Parameters: Citizenship Section
Set oSheet = oBook.Worksheets("Transformed data")
oSheet.Range("BG2:CE2").Value = ""
oSheet.Range("BH3:CE3").Value = ""
oSheet.Range("BG4:CE320").Value = ""
'Transfer the array to the worksheet
oSheet.Range("BG2:CE2").Resize(1, iCitizenshipCount).Value =