I have been having the same issue... and I realized that it IS WORD for mac. HOWEVER, it is ALSO a browser issue (which is not the case in PC). If I copy and paste from FIREFOX, it keeps the crappy formatting with the TABS on the word document (by the ruler). But if I use SAFARI, there is no formatting that goes along with it when you copy and paste onto WORD. see if that changes anything...
funkbo wrote:
Copy aand Paste MAJOR ISSUES!
Version: 200
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard
Processor: Inte
Hi. I went from pc to mac and thought that word would be the same. We to my disapointment it is not. I use it to process our packing slips for our business. We receive out customers orders via email Then we copy the text in the email and paste it into the word document. On the pc there was never a problem. It would copy and paste it exactly how the email looked and in the space I highlight to paste. NOT ON THE MAC! On word 2008 on the mac it pushes the information onto 4 pages and past the regular 8 1/2" margins. It completely breaks it all up. I thought that maybe it was my email client but it is not. I tried the same thing on mac mail, thunderbird and yahoo mail. All the same thing. Is there a setting that I am missing? I just want to be able to copy and paste the information all in one page in the print area like I used to on Word on my pc. PLEASE HELP!
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Copy aand Paste MAJOR ISSUES!
Version: 200
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard
Processor: Inte
Hi. I went from pc to mac and thought that word would be the same. We to my disapointment it is not. I use it to process our packing slips for our business. We receive out customers orders via email Then we copy the text in the email and paste it into the word document. On the pc there was never a problem. It would copy and paste it exactly how the email looked and in the space I highlight to paste. NOT ON THE MAC! On word 2008 on the mac it pushes the information onto 4 pages and past the regular 8 1/2" margins. It completely breaks it all up. I thought that maybe it was my email client but it is not. I tried the same thing on mac mail, thunderbird and yahoo mail. All the same thing. Is there a setting that I am missing? I just want to be able to copy and paste the information all in one page in the print area like I used to on Word on my pc. PLEASE HELP!
I am not sure how you concluded that Word would be the same on a Mac ason PC.
I am not sure how you concluded that Word would be the same on a Mac a
on PC. And you could have put Windows and Word for Windows on the ne
Mac via VMWare Fusion or Parallels and avoid all this trouble at you
business ... but we will leave that for another day
You do not say how you paste into Mac Word. I presume you are usin
cmd-C keys. What I think is happening that Word is formatting per th
"source" in email
If you use Menu: Edit/Paste Special, and pick the option and pic
"unformatted text" the computer will paste into Word using the format a
the target in Word
Take a look at Word's paste settings: Menu: Preferences, Icon: Edit
then "Cut and Paste Options" and you can set how cut and paste works
I have, frankly, never set them. I just have gotten into a habit over th
years of Menu: Edit/Paste Special and then putting me in control of ho
the paste goes in
rms, <br>Thanks for replying.
rms, <br
Thanks for replying. I have never messed the the cut and paste options but I have tried pasting both ways. Via command c but also via paste special. Neither works. The thing is that the email that I am trying to copy and paste is formatted with tables. That was never a problem though in word on the pc. It would just put it in the right place when I copied and pasted. I just do not know what to do. <br><br>> I am not sure how you concluded that Word would be the same on a Mac as <br>
Try with pasting special, and pick the HTML option.Otherwise I do not know.
Try with pasting special, and pick the HTML option.
Otherwise I do not know.
Is the previous PC still around? Focus on getting business done, then
work the technology.
As mentioned, you can put Word for Windows (the one you already heave)
on the Mac via the emuulator software (VMWare Fusion or Parallels) and a
copy of Windows.
Are you copying content from an email message or are you actually copyingthe
Are you copying content from an email message or are you actually copying
the content from an *attachment*? If it is an attachment try saving it to
your HD, then open the saved copy & see if you have more success.
If not, please provide as much detail & descriptive information as you can.
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
On 12/23/09 8:18 AM, in article (e-mail address removed)2ac0,
HTH <br>I am actually copying from an email. There is no attachment.
HTH <br>
I am actually copying from an email. There is no attachment. It is just an order in tables. It looks perfectly fine in the email but when you paste it it looks horrible. It just will not come in the way it looks on the email like it does on word for the pc.
Then I am afraid the issue is well out of my realm ?
Then I am afraid the issue is well out of my realm ? I have never seen a table
in an email message body & quite honestly I do not even understand how it
could be possible. AFAIK, even HTML email does not support table structures.
Perhaps someone else can provide some insights. It will be a learning
experience for both of us

Sorry I cannot help.
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
On 12/23/09 2:34 PM, in article (e-mail address removed)2ac0,
It is possible to have HTML tables in the body of email formatted HTML.
It is possible to have HTML tables in the body of email formatted HTML.
Relatively easy to create that by code or by copy/paste when taking
from Excel or Access or something like that.
I just tried copy from an email table in Mac Mail (selected all rows and
columns, press CMD-C) then flippled to Word and CMD-V and Menu: Paste
Special and picked Formated Text (RTF) and it worked fine. I was
surprised not to see HTML as an option on the Paste Special, but there
you go.
Why it does not work for the OP is mystery.
On 23/12/09 20:11, CyberTaz wrote:
A thought. Maybe it is nothing to do with Word. Perhaps the email isflawed.
A thought. Maybe it is nothing to do with Word. Perhaps the email is
flawed. I guess what I would do is look a the source email to see if
the HTML is right. The email client Thunderbird provides a way to do
that. Don't know how to do in any other email client.
I guess in absence of looking at the HTML, check with the sender to see
if they changed anything.
On 23/12/09 20:45, Rob Schneider wrote:
Have you tried dragging the mail message to the desktop and thendragging the
Have you tried dragging the mail message to the desktop and then
dragging the resulting file from the desktop into Word?
Have you tried File > Save As from the email program and then dragging
the saved file to Word's doc icon?
Jim Gordon
Co-author of Office 2008 for Mac All-in-One For Dummies
I have been having the same issue... and I realized that it IS WORD for mac. HOWEVER, it is ALSO a browser issue (which is not the case in PC). If I copy and paste from FIREFOX, it keeps the crappy formatting with the TABS on the word document (by the ruler). But if I use SAFARI, there is no formatting that goes along with it when you copy and paste onto WORD. see if that changes anything...
I have been having the same issue... and I realized that it IS WORD for mac. HOWEVER, it is ALSO a browser issue (which is not the case in PC). If I copy and paste from FIREFOX, it keeps the crappy formatting with the TABS on the word document (by the ruler). But if I use SAFARI, there is no formatting that goes along with it when you copy and paste onto WORD. see if that changes anything...
I have been having the same issue... and I realized that it IS WORD for mac. HOWEVER, it is ALSO a browser issue (which is not the case in PC). If I copy and paste from FIREFOX, it keeps the crappy formatting with the TABS on the word document (by the ruler). But if I use SAFARI, there is no formatting that goes along with it when you copy and paste onto WORD. see if that changes anything...
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