Copy and paste into word from access


Paul McC

Hi all,

It's a little late in the day for me so please forgive as i need my bed.!!

The issue is i need to open a word doc (say "c:\temp.doc) and paste into it,
but i only can work out how to open a NEW doc

' Creates a new document and pastes Clipboard contents.
' Saves the document in the Word directory and closes the
' document.

Set NewObject = CreateObject("Word.Basic")
NewObject.filesaveas DocPath & "\" & NewDoc

PieterLinden via

Paul said:
Hi all,

It's a little late in the day for me so please forgive as i need my bed.!!

The issue is i need to open a word doc (say "c:\temp.doc) and paste into it,
but i only can work out how to open a NEW doc

' Creates a new document and pastes Clipboard contents.
' Saves the document in the Word directory and closes the
' document.

Set NewObject = CreateObject("Word.Basic")
NewObject.filesaveas DocPath & "\" & NewDoc

More information please. What are you pasting into Word? Records from a
query? If so, open an ADO recordset, convert it to a delimited string using
GetString, then pass the string to Word, and format there.

Paul McC

Hi all,

i have it sorted out now, i was coping from an Bound OLE Oject on a form to
a word template.

F.Y.I here 's the code

Private Sub Command31_Click()

Dim NewObject As Object
Dim NewDoc As String
Dim DocPath As String

' Name of the new document to create.
Dim Dnam As String
Dnam = Me.Text32 & ".doc"
NewDoc = Dnam

' Where to store the new document.
' DefaultDir$(9) returns the Word directory path.
' See DefaultDir$() in Word's on-line help for more options.
' Note: The "$" is not used when calling DefaultDir via
' OLE Automation.
DocPath = "D:\Kpic"

' Copies the embedded object to Clipboard.
Me!Photograph.Verb = 0
Me!Photograph.Action = 7
Me!Photograph.Action = 9

' Opens a word template document and pastes Clipboard contents.
' Saves to a new file and document in the Word directory and
closes the
' document.

Set NewObject = CreateObject("Word.Application")
NewObject.Visible = True
NewObject.ChangeFileOpenDirectory "D:\"
NewObject.Documents.Open FileName:="Point.dotx"
'removes an extra space!

NewObject.ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=DocPath & "\" & NewDoc


' Frees the memory used by the objects.
Set NewObject = Nothing

MsgBox DocPath & "\" & NewDoc & " was created successfully."
End Sub

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