I've set up a database at work and now need to set user security.
Currently the database is on the network and different users are using
there own computer's system.mdw file to access. I've copied and
pasted my secured mdw file to the same folder of each user's computer,
and using the workgroup administrator have joined them to my mdw file.
However, two problems have occured:
1. The permissions for each group is now checked, where as they were
not on mine original mdw file. I have to go in and uncheck all the
permissions that weren't meant to be granted for the group.
2. Each user would be able to join their original system.mdw file and
than have full access to the database again.
Can anyone please help on these two issues. Thank you.
Currently the database is on the network and different users are using
there own computer's system.mdw file to access. I've copied and
pasted my secured mdw file to the same folder of each user's computer,
and using the workgroup administrator have joined them to my mdw file.
However, two problems have occured:
1. The permissions for each group is now checked, where as they were
not on mine original mdw file. I have to go in and uncheck all the
permissions that weren't meant to be granted for the group.
2. Each user would be able to join their original system.mdw file and
than have full access to the database again.
Can anyone please help on these two issues. Thank you.