Today and yesterday I've suddfenly become unable to copy and paste filepaths
from My Computer, URLS, email text into Word 2003 docs - I can't even copy
or cut and paste within a Word doc - whether using keystrokes, mouse clicks
or the Edit menu. There is nothing to indicate that the copying isn't (or
isn't) working, but when I try and paste, nothing happens whatsoever...
Within Word I can Cut fine, buyt cannot then paste the cut text.
Anyone got any idea why and how to resolve?? Desperate to know!
from My Computer, URLS, email text into Word 2003 docs - I can't even copy
or cut and paste within a Word doc - whether using keystrokes, mouse clicks
or the Edit menu. There is nothing to indicate that the copying isn't (or
isn't) working, but when I try and paste, nothing happens whatsoever...
Within Word I can Cut fine, buyt cannot then paste the cut text.
Anyone got any idea why and how to resolve?? Desperate to know!