Hi All
What i would like to do is to select 4 sheets and copy them into a new
workbook. I would like the sheets to be values and to have the same
page layout as the original sheets. The worksheets I'm copying are
formula driven, so I have to copy and paste value those sheets first,
and then move them to a new workbook, the problem is that I don't know
how to undo that "copy and paste value" in my original workbook
without closing the file and opening it again, which is a little
The code I have so far is just from the macro recorder:
' CPVNW Macro
Sheets(Array("Client Wkly Mvmts - EUR", "Client Wkly Mvmts - GBP",
"Client Wkly Mvmts - USD", "Daily Movements")).Select
Sheets("Client Wkly Mvmts - EUR").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Sheets(Array("Client Wkly Mvmts - EUR", "Client Wkly Mvmts - GBP",
"Client Wkly Mvmts - USD", "Daily Movements")).Select
Sheets("Client Wkly Mvmts - EUR").Activate
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sheets(Array("Client Wkly Mvmts - EUR", "Client Wkly Mvmts - GBP",
"Client Wkly Mvmts - USD", "Daily Movements")).Copy
End Sub
I'm pretty sure there's a way of copying the data without having to
actually do it to the file i'm working on, can anyone suggest the best
way to do that pls?
What i would like to do is to select 4 sheets and copy them into a new
workbook. I would like the sheets to be values and to have the same
page layout as the original sheets. The worksheets I'm copying are
formula driven, so I have to copy and paste value those sheets first,
and then move them to a new workbook, the problem is that I don't know
how to undo that "copy and paste value" in my original workbook
without closing the file and opening it again, which is a little
The code I have so far is just from the macro recorder:
' CPVNW Macro
Sheets(Array("Client Wkly Mvmts - EUR", "Client Wkly Mvmts - GBP",
"Client Wkly Mvmts - USD", "Daily Movements")).Select
Sheets("Client Wkly Mvmts - EUR").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Sheets(Array("Client Wkly Mvmts - EUR", "Client Wkly Mvmts - GBP",
"Client Wkly Mvmts - USD", "Daily Movements")).Select
Sheets("Client Wkly Mvmts - EUR").Activate
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sheets(Array("Client Wkly Mvmts - EUR", "Client Wkly Mvmts - GBP",
"Client Wkly Mvmts - USD", "Daily Movements")).Copy
End Sub
I'm pretty sure there's a way of copying the data without having to
actually do it to the file i'm working on, can anyone suggest the best
way to do that pls?