Copy and Paste using a loop

  • Thread starter bestie via
  • Start date

bestie via


I'm having some problems with a copy and paste routine I hope you can help me
with. I am trying to copy a number of header sheets from col (H) and the sub
sheets that are listed under them in col (I) into separate workbooks. All the
sheet names are listed on a sheet called tree but the way I've done it seems
slightly clumsy and I was hoping some one had a smarter way of doing this....


Sub Copyheader()
' grid Macro
' Macro recorded 27/07/2006 by Sam Best


Dim i As Long
Dim nRow As Long
Dim Sname$
Dim ThisPath As String
Dim FullPath As String
' selects each sheet name down the list & activates that sheet
i = 10
If i < 50 Then
' stops at cell 50

With Sheets("TREE")
If IsEmpty(.Cells(i, "H").Value) Then
i = i + 1
' If nothing in the heading then keep looking untill there is something
in the heading

Else: Sname$ = Cells(i, "H")
' If cell is a heading then select sheet with heading name

FullPath = ThisPath & "\" & "Property - " & ShName & ".xls"

Call DeleteIfExists(FullPath)

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FullPath
' Copy sheet and and return to the master workbook


MsgBox "Sheet - " & ShName & " Could not be copied" & Chr(10) & Chr
(10) & Err.Description, vbCritical
' Reports Errors

Do While Not IsEmpty(.Cells(i, "i").Value)
Sname$ = Cells(i, "i")
' passes the sheet name to routine

' selects sheet
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
' Moves to next cell

' Selects Tree Sheet

End If
End With
End If
End Sub

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