Copy and Paste



On my worksheet in Col.F I have the result of (C+E)-D and currently I repeat
that formula by Copy & Paste on each new line of entries. Is there a formula
to get an automatic result in Col.F on new line of entries, to avoid the
Copy & Paste routine?


If you are using Excel 2003 or later you can use the List abilities.

Create your first row of data, complete with the formula in column F. Click
any cell within that row and choose Data-->List-->Create List. Decide
whether your data has a header row or not and click OK.

You can now click in the first cell on the new row and enter your figures.
As you do so the formula is copied down automatically and calculates for you.
Just tab over it at the end of the line.



Thank you for the information. Unfortunately my Office 2003Pro is on a
computer that crashed in such a way that nobody could start the Windows and
I am using my very old computer with Office 2000, whilst I am waiting for a
new one. Is there a similar formula for Office 2000?

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