copy and paste



I am trying to copy and paste the last four tests from a sheet ... here is
what I have so far:

A list box with no dupes lists mix types on sheet("test database"). I pick
the mix type (there could be as many as 25 different mix types spread over
2000 rows).

I delete the rows(A71:AD700) on sheets("last four"). The mix type picked on
sheet("test database") is then transphered over to sheets("last four") with
the first test on row 71 and the last test run list last.

Now I need to copy the last four test results and paste them up in to cells
(a9:a12) on the sheet("last four"). Can anyone help me with this problem?

Thank you inadvance,


With Sheets("last four")
lr4 = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Rows(lr4 - 3 & ":" & lr4).Copy Range("A9")
End With

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