Copy and pasting an image on multiple pages not consistant




MS Office 2003
MS Word

I placed a graphic (jpg) at position .22 X .22 relative to the page. I then
copied it and pasted it to page 2 but it doesn't place it in the same
position. It's new position is .39 X .39. If I continue copying, the
following occurs.
Page 3 - .55 X .55
Page 4 - .72 X .72
Page 5 - .89 X .89
Page 6 1.05 X 1.05

Does anyone know how to set it up so that it copies to the same position?
Putting it in a header interferes withe the formatting of the document.

Thanks in advance


There's no provision for doing so - each copy has to have its position set
individually. Word has no concept of the "pages" as the type of structure we
think of, so when you paste you are actually pasting into the 'flow of the
text' rather than onto a physical page.

Header/Footer is the way this needs to be done. If doing so "interferes"
with anything, you probably need to modify the Text Wrapping applied to the

Suzanne S. Barnhill

What you CAN do, however, is use Format | Picture | Layout | Advanced to set
the position of one picture (relative to page or margin), then F4 (repeat)
to apply the same formatting to all the rest.

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