Copy and Sort Unique Problem



I am having problems with a recorded macro:

Raw Data on Sheet 1:

3 424a356
4 424a356
5 424a356
6 424b650
7 424b650
8 401b000
9 401b000
10 407b000

Copy and Sorted by Unique Value on Sheet 2:

2 424a356
3 424a356
4 424b650
5 401b100
6 407b000

Even though I request unique values, it continues to copy the top two values
which are the same. It has something to do with a header, maybe? Is there
some code that could get me around this problem? Your help is greatly
appreciated. Thanks.

Dave Peterson

I bet you're using data|filter|advanced filter?

If that's true, then advanced filter has to have a header.

If you can't insert a header row (with a dummy header) in the original data, you
coul copy the column, paste to a new sheet, insert the header, do the advanced
filter, move the data to its final home.


I apologize. It will only let me copy to the active sheet. I really would
like to copy it to another sheet. Anyways, here is the code:

Sub Copy_Sort_Unique()
' Copy_Sort_Unique Macro

ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 5
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 4
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 3
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 2
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Range("C3:C322").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy,
CopyToRange:=Range( _
"U3:U322"), Unique:=True
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-24
End Sub


Can the header be a blank row?

Dave Peterson said:
I bet you're using data|filter|advanced filter?

If that's true, then advanced filter has to have a header.

If you can't insert a header row (with a dummy header) in the original data, you
coul copy the column, paste to a new sheet, insert the header, do the advanced
filter, move the data to its final home.

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