Copy bookmark from Documet to Document



I am try to copy bookmark from one word doc to another, find all the
bookmark and select them etc.

I can create the bookmark in the second word doc, with the correct

The problem is set the location of the bookmark

Any help here would be great

WrdDoc is the destination doc
WrdTemplate is the source doc


If WrdDoc.Bookmarks.Count = 0 Then
'# Set Template Document Path
Dim strTemplatePath As String = "C:\Temp\test.doc"

'# Open Template
WrdTemplate = WrdApp.Documents.Open(strTemplatePath)

'# Get BookMarks
For Each BookMark As Word.Bookmark In
---- WrdDoc.Bookmarks.Add(BookMark.Name,
bookmark.range) ------- Problem Here


i get the following error

The specified range is not from the correct document or story.

Understand what the error is saying, but have not got a clue to how to
get around it.

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