Copy chart in C#


Claus Nielsen

Hello everyone

I'm having problems with copying chart from an excel workbook to word, using
C# in a class I've created.

I create the charts dynamically, and do stuff like:

Excel.Chart selfLedelseChart;
selfLedelseChart = (Excel.Chart)oExcelApplic.Charts.Add(Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

Excel.Range rng = (Excel.Range)ledelseSelf.Cells.get_Range("A1:B" +
(ledelseSelfRow-1).ToString(), Type.Missing);
selfLedelseChart.HasLegend = false;
selfLedelseChart.ChartType = Excel.XlChartType.xlRadarMarkers;
selfLedelseChart.SetSourceData(rng, Excel.XlRowCol.xlColumns);

The creation process works fine, and I can paste the chart into a workbook


And this is where my problem begins. After the insertion I can't use the
variable selfLedelseChart anymore. It kind of loses focus or something like

So I created a makro:
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Diagram 2").Activate
And tried to translate that into C#, but I can't really do it. I get an
error saying the specified cast is not allowed. I tried several solutions,
but I can't get a variable to point to the chart after I've inserted it into
the chart.
I can use the code:

Excel.ChartObject chartObject =
But I can't go anywhere from there. I need the charts in 2 places in the
workbook total, so I also need to copy them internally, because I need to
paste charts on top of oneanother.

The funny part is that I can resize the object after insertion:

ledelseSelf.Shapes.Item(1).Width = chartWidth;
ledelseSelf.Shapes.Item(1).Height = chartHeight;
ledelseSelf.Shapes.Item(1).Top = chartTop;
ledelseSelf.Shapes.Item(1).Left = chartLeft;

So I'm looking for a way to get a variable to point to a chart in a certain
worksheet, and a way to copy to word in C#. Does anyone know hoe to do this?
Or can anyone point me in the right direction? Or can you tell me where to
get help?

Please help!!!



Jon Peltier

Hi Claus -

Well, I don't know much C# (my musician daughter laughed at me once when I called it
"C-pound"), but I have a suggestion.

Can you replace this:

selfLedelseChart = (Excel.Chart)oExcelApplic.Charts.Add(Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

with something like this:

selfLedelseChart = (Excel.Chart)oExcelApplic.ledelseSelf.ChartObjects.Add(Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing).Chart;

(assuming ledelseSelf is a worksheet!). This method creates the embedded chart
directly, without going through the chart sheet middleman.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

Claus Nielsen

Hello Jon

Thanks for your input, but it doesn't seem to compile.
ChartObjects cannot be used without (). The method takes a number for the
index chart.

The insertion works fine, and I translated it from a makro, so do you think
thats the problem.

My problem is still after insertion. I tried something like:
strategyChart = (Excel.Chart)strategySets.Shapes.Item(1);
... but that only works if the chart is not of type Radar... Doesn't that
seem weard?

Hope you can help!


Jon Peltier

The object hierarchy may not have been correct in my suggested statement. It goes:

Application > Workbook > Worksheet > ChartObject > Chart

You may need to do something like:

selfLedelseChartObject =
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing)

and then

selfLedelseChart = selfLedelseChartObject.Chart

You could keep trying the Shapes collection, if you don't need to manipulate the
chart features. If I add a shape and want to reference it, I either set a variable
to the shape as it is added using ObjectVariable = Shapes.Add, or set a variable to
it afterwards using ObjectVariable = Shapes(Shapes.Count). You have to figure out
all the C# referencing for this, however.

Here's a google search for C# and Excel charts on the Microsoft web site. There
might be some better examples among these links:

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

Claus Nielsen

Hello Jon

Thanks for replying, and a very Chrismas to you!

Can you still help, because I found a solution that enables me to copy a
chart to word. Now my problem resides in copying the charts internally in

You preferred that I changed the insertion method of a chart, but so far it
works fine. Now I can reference the chart again by doing this:
selfLedelseChart = (Excel.Chart)oExcelApplic.Charts.Add(Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

Excel.Range rng = (Excel.Range)ledelseSelf.Cells.get_Range("A1:B" +
(ledelseSelfRow-1).ToString(), Type.Missing);
selfLedelseChart.ChartType = Excel.XlChartType.xlRadarMarkers;
selfLedelseChart.SetSourceData(rng, Excel.XlRowCol.xlColumns);

selfLedelseChart = oExcelApplic.ActiveChart; //Most important line
selfLedelseChart.HasLegend = false;

.... so from there on, I can do whatever I want with the chart. And now I am
able to copy the chart from Excel to Word by typing:

Now the chart resides in the Word document.

Now I want to copy the chart within Excel doing a transfer from VB to C#:
oExcelApplic.ActiveWindow.Visible = false;
totalLedelse.Paste(Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
totalLedelseChart = oExcelApplic.ActiveChart;
//Here the first chart is located as a copy in the totalLedelse worksheet

oExcelApplic.ActiveWindow.Visible = false;

But an error occurs in the line:
totalLedelseChart.Select(Type.Missing); where I get an error I can't really
describe. Something like: H13221432x crappy error... :)

So do you know of a method in copying charts internally in Excel the C# way?

Thanks for your help!


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