Copy Embedded object



Plese tell me how to write vb or C# code to copy/convert
an embedded worksheet/chart/powerpoint object from a word
document to a seperate respective file.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Rashutosh,
Plese tell me how to write vb or C# code to copy/convert
an embedded worksheet/chart/powerpoint object from a word
document to a seperate respective file.
Does what you want correspond to being able to right-click
the item in the Word document, select "Open", then save it
as a separate file?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

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I'm not the originator of the first post, but I'm looking for a way to do that too..
So yes, it's to save as separate files
I find a way to do that, but it's using sendkeys
I use OLEFormat.DoVerb verbIndex:=1 to open the 'object manager' (I don't know i
it is the right name, I'm using a French version, it is "gestionnaire d'objet") an
then use sendkeys to copy the file name (from edit / label) and then save i
(file / save as, and paste label name)..
Do you know a better way to do that, without sendkeys


----- Cindy M -WordMVP- wrote: ----

Hi Rashutosh,
Plese tell me how to write vb or C# code to copy/convert
an embedded worksheet/chart/powerpoint object from a word
document to a seperate respective file

Does what you want correspond to being able to right-click
the item in the Word document, select "Open", then save it
as a separate file

Cindy Meiste
INTER-Solutions, Switzerlan (last update Sep
30 2003

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any
follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail

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