Copy entry into Notebook, Section or page


WD Elliott

I am an ECCO (Netmanage) refuge. ECCO had a nice feature not found in
OneNote-automatic copy of entry to another folder without having to block
copy and drag. How to accomplish in OneNote?

I use a @Today Notebook for daily diary entries. I then want to copy or
move those entries to a project Section, or to a page in a Section (i.e.
Project). How to do this without block copying and dragging?


I too used ECCO. In fact I still use it a bit as it does things (as did the
brilliant Lotus Agenda) that OneNote - ten years later - cannot do. I keep
trying to get OneNote to act like ECCO and Agenda - but fail. Having said
that, OneNote is light years ahead of those programs in other ways so it's a
You talk about 'folders' in Ecco and, while it's true that is the name that
Netmanage gave them, they are not 'folders' in the Windows Explorer sense. A
user-created FILE in Ecco doesn't equate to a Notebook in OneNote - it is
simply a file within the ECCO folder in Windows Explorer. ECCO was MS-DOS
based (but you could use it in Windows of course) whereas OneNote is firmly
Windows based.
They key to ECCO is that the 'item' is king. An individual piece of
information, which can have sub-items. Any item can be in as many 'folders'
(in ECCO terms) as you want and you can then view that item (which is NOT a
copy but the actual item itself) in as many different 'views' (the ECCO term)
as you like and, even better, you can filter a view to reduce the information
in it. If you alter the item in one view you are altering it everywhere -
because it is NOT a copy. I so wish you could do this in OneNote. I wish
that an individual note could be in several different places at once and
still be the SAME note - not a copy. Additionally, I wish you could 'filter'
in OneNote. I have tried this every which way, using sections, page groups
and tags as creatively as possible but still can't get what I want.

I'm aware that I haven't yet responded directly to your question!! There
are many experts on here who will probably rush to your aid. I'll give it a
go. I take it that by 'entry' you mean an individual note within a note
container on a specific page?
You say you want to copy or move those entries to a project Section, or to a
page in a Section (i.e. Project). That isn't difficult (see below) but I am
not quite sure what you mean by 'block copying and dragging' in an ON
context. You cannot drag a note (an 'entry' in your terms) anwhere other than
on the same page. You can cut-and-paste or copy-and-paste an individual note
or note container to any section in any Notebook. You can drag an entire page
in any Section to any section in any Notebook. Or - you can copy an entire
page (right-click on its tab) to any section in any Notebook.
Does any of that help?

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