Copy Error - eula.txt



In our network, if we install Office 2003 (with service packs) or any Office
2007 product, we get the following error after every bootup:

Copy Error:

Setup cannot copy the file eula.txt.

Ensure that the location specified below is correct, or change it and insert
'VBA Update' in the drive you specify.

In the Copy files from text field, it defaults to C:\Documents and
Settings\<User Name>\Local Settings\Temp\IXP000.TMP

We can reproduce this error on any system on our network by installing a
Office 2007 product or 2003 with SP2 update. If we change the path to
identify this "eula.txt", it does not work, regardless of the location.
Running updates does not resolve the issue.

I was unable to find any knowledge base article for Office 2003 or Office
2007 describing this problem.

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