I created a countif formula, but have a great amount of exact values to put
in a number of cells which will count up another sheet with those values. Is
there an easier way to input the formula for each cell other than editing the
copied formula over and over again? i.e. =COUNTIF(Sheet2!G9:G30007,
"=reddog1") I will need to change reddog1 to reddog1, reddog3, bluecat1, etc.
in a number of cells which will count up another sheet with those values. Is
there an easier way to input the formula for each cell other than editing the
copied formula over and over again? i.e. =COUNTIF(Sheet2!G9:G30007,
"=reddog1") I will need to change reddog1 to reddog1, reddog3, bluecat1, etc.