Copy formula with skipping rows



An easy problem is driving me crazy, may be this is impossible i

Apple 1 2 Apple 1 2
Apple 2 3 Apple 2 3
Pear 6 *Total 5*
Banana 8 Pear 6
Melone 7 *Total 6*
Banana 8
*Total 8*
Melone 7
*Total 7*

Please have a look at the simple example above. My data is in th
columns A and B.

In cell D1 I have the formula '=b1'. What I would like to do is th
following: I want to drag this formula down, but when I'll do this the
cell D3 will contain the value 6, with the formula '=b3'. However cel
d3 currently contains the formula '=d1+d2' that is the right formul
that I also want to keep.

So, what I would like to do is copying the formula and skipping th
rows that are called 'Total'. In addition I face the difficulty (fo
now ignoring the fact that the rows total should contain anothe
formula) when you copy the formula '=b1' down then in cell D7 th
formula will be '=b7', while it should be '=b5'.

Shortly, does someone know an option in Excel to copy a formula dow
with skipping rows.

Please let me know if I'm not clear. Look forward to your ideas, thank
for your help

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