Copy from Excel to Word




Can someone help with a macro doing the following:

1. Copy a range from Excel sheet1 (e.g. A1:F30)
2. Open Word - new document
3. Paste the copied range to Word document
4. Close excel workbook without save
5. Save as dialogue box for created Word document

Kaj Pedersen

Walter Briscoe

In message <[email protected]> of Mon,
26 Sep 2011 18:47:12 in microsoft.public.excel.programming, KP

Can someone help with a macro doing the following:

1. Copy a range from Excel sheet1 (e.g. A1:F30)
2. Open Word - new document
3. Paste the copied range to Word document
4. Close excel workbook without save
5. Save as dialogue box for created Word document

What have you tried?

1) I would try recording a macro, in word, which does what you want in
2) Then record a macro to copy a given range to the clipboard.

3) You will need some code to start Word from an Excel macro.
Something like:

Dim Docs As Word.Application

Set Docs = CreateObject("Word.Application"): Docs.Visible = True
With Docs
.Documents.Open Filename:=foo
.Documents.Item(1).SaveAs Filename:=bar
End With

N.B. Dim Docs As Word.Application uses early binding.
If it fails for you, try Dim Docs as Object.

You probably want a method other than Open for your file.
Use Help in the Word VBE (Visual Basic Editor) to see what is available.

You then glue 1, 2, and 3 together and should be in business.


Thank you very much.

This hint from you helped me a lot:

"N.B. Dim Docs As Word.Application uses early binding.
If it fails for you, try Dim Docs as Object."

Now I think I will succeed.

Kaj Pedersen

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