Copy from on eworkbook to another




I have two columns which copy to the new book rounded to the nearest dollar.
None of the other columns are doing this. It should be to 2 decimal places.

CAMDepMade is long

Sub NuSaveCAMDepMade(TenRow, CAMDepMade)

'Created 3/13/2008 by Karen Hoagland

Debug.Print "Starting NuSaveCAMDepMade " & Application.ScreenUpdating

With MainPagepg

'save CAM Deposits Made
With .Cells(TenRow, 14)
If CAMDepMade = 0 Then
.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.WrapText = False
.NumberFormat = "_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(*
.Value = CAMDepMade
End If

If .Value <> CAMDepMade Then
.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.WrapText = False
.NumberFormat = "_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(*
.Value = CAMDepMade
End If
End With

End With

End Sub

Jim Thomlinson

Without looking too closely you have declared
CAMDepMade is long
where long is a long integer. If you try to put a decimal into this variable
it will be automatically coereced to a whole number. Try changing the
delcaration to Double.


Thank you, Jim
Thanks for your help.

Jim Thomlinson said:
Without looking too closely you have declared
CAMDepMade is long
where long is a long integer. If you try to put a decimal into this variable
it will be automatically coereced to a whole number. Try changing the
delcaration to Double.

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