Copy from one sheet paste to another



Helo all,

On sheets("Test Database") I have 2,000 tests spanning from column A to AD.
these tests are of different mix types. In Column B is the mix type.

On sheets("main menu") in cell ("B9") I have a mix number 4064 which is
choosen from a drop down box consisting of 28 different number (4052-4079).

What I need to do is when sheets("main menu") range("B9") has a number I
need the last 4 tests from sheets("Tests Database") that match sheets("main
menu") range("B9") to copy all the rows (A-AD) over to another sheet called
sheet("Last 4").

sheets("main menu").Range("B9")=4064

sheets("test database") looks like this:
A B C D.......
4064~~~> This row would post on to sheets("Last 4")
4064~~~> This row would post on to sheets("Last 4")
4064~~~> This row would post on to sheets("Last 4")
4064~~~> This row would post on to sheets("last 4")

Column "A" is the date the test was run......

Does this make any sense? Any help would be appreciated.......Eric


Sheets("Test Database").Columns("B:B").AutoFilter
Sheets("Test Database").Cells.AutoFilter Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=Sheets("main menu").Range("B9")
Sheets("Test Database").Rows.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
Sheets("Last 4").Rows(1).PasteSpecial

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