Copy from slide sorter for muliple monitors



Need to split up 80+ slides into 4 separate files to show
on 4 separate monitors.

Using view zoom feature on slide sorter, I can get the
desired 4 slides across and then the rest of the slides
down. Each vertical column represents a file for monitor
1 through 4. Problem is that when I use Shift Rt Mouse
Copy, the columns won't grab vertically; instead I get
everything across and then down.

Fortunuately Powerpoint 98 works the way described, but
what happened to this functionality in 2000 and XP. ANy
workarounds appreciated.

TAJ Simmons


Microsoft changed how the shift and ctrl keys work in the slidesorter from
ppt 97 to (2000?) XP. To make the keys more consistent with other ms apps I

The CTRL key will toggle individually selected items On/Off
The Shift key will select a block...from current selected to your click.

TAJ Simmons
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