can u help me?
My workbook consits of one sheet named Total, and different sheets
named jan03, feb03, mar03 and so on. A new sheet is made each month.
All month sheets has a summary column and a column indicating the
month (that is column A and B) and I want to copy the values (not the
formula used) from column A and B to the sheet named Total. The VBA
code should always start copy information on sheet nr 2 from left
(sheet nr 1 is always Total followed by jan03, feb03, mar03...).
It is not predefined how many rows each month sheet has. It can be 2
rows for jan03, and 100 for feb03. The VBA code should therefore copy
information from the first row used (always row 10) and to the last
row used.
The sheet named Total should look like
Column A Column B
12 jan03
10 jan03
28 jan03
4 feb03
19 mar03
69 mar03
39 mar03
59 mar03
34 apr03
So far my VBA code looks like:
Sub Update_Total()
Dim i%, SheetArg$()
ReDim SheetArg$(2 To Worksheets.Count -0)
For i = 2 To Worksheets.Count -0
'I'm not sure what to write here....
Next i
End Sub
can u help me?
My workbook consits of one sheet named Total, and different sheets
named jan03, feb03, mar03 and so on. A new sheet is made each month.
All month sheets has a summary column and a column indicating the
month (that is column A and B) and I want to copy the values (not the
formula used) from column A and B to the sheet named Total. The VBA
code should always start copy information on sheet nr 2 from left
(sheet nr 1 is always Total followed by jan03, feb03, mar03...).
It is not predefined how many rows each month sheet has. It can be 2
rows for jan03, and 100 for feb03. The VBA code should therefore copy
information from the first row used (always row 10) and to the last
row used.
The sheet named Total should look like
Column A Column B
12 jan03
10 jan03
28 jan03
4 feb03
19 mar03
69 mar03
39 mar03
59 mar03
34 apr03
So far my VBA code looks like:
Sub Update_Total()
Dim i%, SheetArg$()
ReDim SheetArg$(2 To Worksheets.Count -0)
For i = 2 To Worksheets.Count -0
'I'm not sure what to write here....
Next i
End Sub