copy insert macro



I have the following macro:

' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+e

Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown

I use this to copy data and insert. I don't like too use the mouse so I
use Shortcut keys. The problem is that I have to always go back and
copy my selection each time I use Ctrl+Shift+e. For example I have in
cell A1 "JOE". I want to go to A1, use Ctrl C - copy and then go to
multiple areas in my sheet, press Ctrl+Shift+e and insert and shift
down "JOE". When I use my macro it does it once and then does not work
again unless I go back to cell A1 and copy again. How can I fix this?

Charles Harmon


This is something that may help. There are probably otherway's, but....

Public myname
Sub Macro1()
''Assign short cut key to this macro
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
myname = Selection
Sheet1.Range("g1").Value = myname<<<< this can be placed out of the way
End Sub
Sub Macro2()
''assign short cut key to this macro
ActiveCell.Value = myname
End Sub

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