Copy lines from sheet 2 to sheet 6



I have some data in sheet 2 in col I.
the data I want to capture is spaced by 7 spaces all the ay down:
I have data in sheet 2 col I row 1 ,7,14,21 etc

I would like to show the data in Sheet 2 to Sheet 6 col B row 1,2,3,4, etc


On Sheet6, enter this in B1:

And in B2 enter this:
and copy down as needed.


Thanks. It worked very well. BUT...will you please exxplain what that is
REALLY doing. I think I understand all but the ROWS($!:1) got me confused.
Thansk again



the ROWS function is well-documented in XL and... Google is your friend

pcor;340564 said:
Thanks. It worked very well. BUT...will you please exxplain what that
REALLY doing. I think I understand all but the ROWS($!:1) got me
Thansk again


The Index() function has different forms.

The one used here can be described as "referencing" a location.

Since it's a one dimension reference (a single column), the second argument
refers to a row within that column.

You could just as easily have used formulas such as these:
.... etc.

If you indexed a single row:


That second argument would refer to a column within that row.

You should note however, that these row (column) references (1, 2, 3 ...
etc.) *do not* refer to the *Sheet* rows (columns), but to the cells
*strictly within* the indexed column or row.

refers to I20, that being the *first* row of the indexed (chosen) range.

refers to I23, the 4th row of the indexed range.

refers to I3, the 4th column of the indexed range.

However, It would be very tedious to have to manually change the numbers in
the 2nd argument as we copied the formula down or across.

There are a couple of nice functions which count the number of rows and
columns within their parameters.
They return a simple number which we can use to increment automatically.


As you copy the Rows() down, and the Columns() across they increase.
BUT, they still equal 1, the number of rows within it's parameters.
SO, we just anchor the first reference by making it absolute, and only allow
the second to increase:


And this returns a number that automatically increments as it's copied.

As an aside, you can anchor the second reference and make the function
*decrement* as it's copied.

Finally, since you wanted your rows in multiples of 7, we simply multiplied
the returns of the Rows() function by 7.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

Thanks. It worked very well. BUT...will you please exxplain what that is
REALLY doing. I think I understand all but the ROWS($!:1) got me confused.
Thansk again


That was a G R E A T explanation. Many Thanks

RagDyeR said:
The Index() function has different forms.

The one used here can be described as "referencing" a location.

Since it's a one dimension reference (a single column), the second argument
refers to a row within that column.

You could just as easily have used formulas such as these:
.... etc.

If you indexed a single row:


That second argument would refer to a column within that row.

You should note however, that these row (column) references (1, 2, 3 ...
etc.) *do not* refer to the *Sheet* rows (columns), but to the cells
*strictly within* the indexed column or row.

refers to I20, that being the *first* row of the indexed (chosen) range.

refers to I23, the 4th row of the indexed range.

refers to I3, the 4th column of the indexed range.

However, It would be very tedious to have to manually change the numbers in
the 2nd argument as we copied the formula down or across.

There are a couple of nice functions which count the number of rows and
columns within their parameters.
They return a simple number which we can use to increment automatically.


As you copy the Rows() down, and the Columns() across they increase.
BUT, they still equal 1, the number of rows within it's parameters.
SO, we just anchor the first reference by making it absolute, and only allow
the second to increase:


And this returns a number that automatically increments as it's copied.

As an aside, you can anchor the second reference and make the function
*decrement* as it's copied.

Finally, since you wanted your rows in multiples of 7, we simply multiplied
the returns of the Rows() function by 7.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

Thanks. It worked very well. BUT...will you please exxplain what that is
REALLY doing. I think I understand all but the ROWS($!:1) got me confused.
Thansk again

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