Copy link between folder does not work (third time, still no answe



Subject: Copy link between folder does not work 6/16/2007 11:56 PM PST

By: Antonio In: microsoft.public.onenote

I collect article in pdf, word file, picture and notes. I used to store pdf
file inside OneNote and work on them. Then, since the same file has to appear
in different projects, I was doing copy paste with the link and all was
working fine having the same link in different pages or sections.
Recently, I decided to split the organization of my sections in to different
And ... here is the problem. The link that are copied from one folder to
another doesn't work anymore. When I click on them I realized that the link
has automatically changed to the folder in which I copied it, but obviously
the file is always at the same place.
It will not be a good solution to duplicate the file, since I underline and
take notes also directly on the pdf.
I think this can be a bug, I do not see the logic behind changing
automatically the path of the link when I copy/paste the link from one folder
to another.

My version is OneNote 2003, the problem happen on Vista and XP

Daniel Escapa [MS]

This is because how linked files worked in ON2003. It would isnert the file
in the same directory as the .one file and also place a hyperlink on the
page. It was quite fragile and when you moved a page to another section
this might have broke your linking.

This is all much better in OneNote 2007 and I recommend upgrading.


I will try ON2007 and I will let you know.
However, the problem was that ON2003 change automatically the hyperlink
contained in the section when you move the section to another folder. The
link is broken since there is a automatic modification of the link thatmake
no sense. It would be useful to correct the problem in ON2003.
Kind regards


I tried ON2007. Here I can insert a document in a page, then copy/paste to
another folder and open again the document. It works fine.
However, the problem still remain for the documents that were inserted in
ON2003. Even if now I converted the Notebook to ON2007.
I believe it will be nice to fix the problem in ON2003 since the shift to
ON2007 is not evident for a complex notebook. Mainly for the linking system.

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