Copy method of chart class failed


St. Nick

Hi guys,

I've got a big block of data, and I'm writing a macro to create
series of graphs from it.

Currently, I have an intermediate sheet where I have the chart titles
series names, and data ranges (referring to the first sheet) that th
macro uses to dress up each new chart.

Finally, I have a template chart that people can use to settl
stylistic issues. Then, my macro copies each new graph from thi
template and inserts the proper titles etc from the intermediat

The problem is that I run the macro and everything is going great unti
I reach 57 sheets (53 graphs). Then I get a "Copy method of Char
class failed" error. Even if I stop the debugger, I can't copy m
template chart one more time. I can add new charts, but can't copy m
template chart.


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