copy multiple records based on criteria or total amount



Hi everyone,

I have a worksheet with over 20000 records, i did a dcount based on amounts
from 500-5000 and i got a result of 250 records, and dsum based on the same
criteria (500-5000) i got 2,000,000. further i want to distribute the number
of contracts and amount into 4 buckets as follow

Dsum result 10% 10% 30% 50%
1,000,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 500,000 1,000,000

Dcount result 10% 10% 30% 50% total
250 25 25 75 125 250

Can i somehow exctract, copy list of contracts in each bucket that will add
up to the dsum amount distribution for each bucket?

for example: a formula or macro that will give me 25 contracts out of 20,000
when i add the amounts it should come up to 100,000 and all contracts must be
between 500-5000.

I really appreciate any help i can get on this one.


Your results won't be exact but close to the results you want.

1) Sort the records by amount
2) In a new column on the 1st record that is greater or equal to $500.00 put
this formula

Notice the dollar sign is on the first 100 only where the row number is the
1st row >= 500.

3) copy formula down the worksheet.

4) Your buckets can be extract base on the new column amount

bucket 1 : the totals 0 to $100,000
bucket 2 : the totals 100,000 to $200,000
bucket 3 : the totals 200,000 to $500,000
bucket 4 : the totals 500,000 to $1,000,000
bucket 5 : the totals 1,000,000 to $2,000,000


Hi Joel,

I really appreciate your help, however this will give me a running total on
the new column where for example the first 100 records will add up to 100K,
and then i would have to start the same running total to get the next bucket.

Is there away that i can divide the whole 250 records into 4 buckets by
pressing a button or running a macro which would base the division on the
result of dcount and dsum. since i will be doing this in the future with much
larger file and more than 100 buckets


You dont have to start the running total for each bucket. I arranged the
buckets so the ranges get the results you are looking for. The 2nd bucket is
the sum is betsween 200,000 to 300,00. I can write a macro if I knew the
column where the total was located, but I would use the same algorithm that I
explained in my last posting. I wanted to make sure you were hapy with the
algorithm before I suggested a macro. I didn't want to write the macro and
then you didn't like the results.


Hi Joel,

yes you are right the data is arranged properly, however let me explain this
a little further. the data that i am working with is very large, and there
are multiple ranges such as 0-5K, 5K-10K, and so on, even it goes upto
1M-10M, and each range will have over 100 bucket according to their last
months performance. which could be somewhere between 0.1% of each range to

and the amount is not the primary key for distribution, however number of
contract is. for example a bucket in 5k-10K is entitled to 3000 contract or
5% of the entire available contracts in the rage 5k-10K according his or her
last months performance, and the total amount in 5k-10K times 5% will result
in 5M, now i must sumbit 3K contracts to this person with the amount as close
as 5M.

Can i or rather you, lol write a macro that extracts 3K contracts out of
100K records with amount as close to 5K, please keep in mind the amount can
come close however the number of contracts must remain the same.

let me know if i have complicated this too much.


This is complicated but lets try to get it to work.

1) Name the worksheet with all the contract "Contracts" or change code below

2) Change this line of code below to specify which column has the dollar
amount of each contract

Const AmountCol = "C"

3) Create a new worksheet called Awards

Col A Col B Col C
Row 1 Award Percent Min Max
Row 2 5% 5000 10000

This worksheet can have as many rows as required. This sheet will determine
the range sizes.

4) I made the range size 5% of the total. You said 3000 contracts. Which
has priority the 5% or 3000 contracts? I sorted the contracts in descending
order and then selected the largest amounts until the max was exceeded. The
algorithm to get the best fit is complicated. The greeks 2000 years ago
tried to solve this problem. There is a whole branch of mathematics call
"packing problems" that is devoted to this type problem.

I can improve this portion of the program later after we get the basics

Sub MakeBuckets()

Const AmountCol = "C"

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Delete all worksheets except Awards and Contracts
For ShtCount = Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1
If Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Awards" And _
Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Contracts" Then

End If
Next ShtCount

'create temporary sheet for making buckets
Set tmpsht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
tmpsht.Name = "Temporary"

With Sheets("Awards")
'get each bucket
RowCount = 2
Percent = .Range("A" & RowCount)
MinAward = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MaxAward = .Range("C" & RowCount)

With Sheets("Contracts")
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If

LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
With .Columns(AmountCol & ":" & AmountCol)
End With

.Range(AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=">=" & MinAward, _
Operator:=xlAnd, _
Criteria2:="<=" & MaxAward

With Sheets("Temporary")
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
'clear temporary sheet
End With

'copy filtered data to temporary sheet
.Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

End With

With Sheets("Temporary")

'sort contracts highest to lowest
LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Rows("1:" & LastRow).Sort _
key1:=.Range(AmountCol & "1"), _

'put totals in column IV
.Range("IV2").Formula = "=Sum(" & AmountCol & "$2:" & AmountCol & "2)"
'copy formula down worksheet
.Range("IV2").Copy _
Destination:=.Range("IV2:IV" & LastRow)

'Get Grand Total for range
RangeTotal = .Range("IV" & LastRow)
Awards = RangeTotal * Percent

'filter on formula in column IV
With .Columns("IV:IV")
End With

.Range("IV2:IV" & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
Criteria1:="<=" & Awards

'create Award sheet sheet for making buckets
ShtName = MinAward & " - " & MaxAward

Set AwardSht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
AwardSht.Name = ShtName

'copy filtered data to Award sheet
.Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

'remove column IV from the Award sheet

End With
End With

With Sheets("Contracts")
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
End With

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

End Sub


After diner I decided to make some improvements

1) I forgot to increment RowCount. The oriignal code will only do one row
in the award table

2) I changed the criteria for each range. It was possible for the same
contract to appear in two ranges

previous code had equals in both criteria in the statement below

.Range(AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=">=" & MinAward, _
Operator:=xlAnd, _
Criteria2:="<" & MaxAward

3) I seperated the code into two sub's. The first automatically calls the
2nd. It is easier to understand the code this way

4) I improved the algorithm for getting 5% of the total contracts in a
range. New code will get closer to the 5% amount.

Sub MakeBuckets()

Const AmountCol As String = "C"
Const TempShtName As String = "Temporary"

Dim percent As Single

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Delete all worksheets except Awards and Contracts
For ShtCount = Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1
If Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Awards" And _
Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Contracts" Then

End If
Next ShtCount

'create temporary sheet for making buckets
Set tmpsht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
tmpsht.Name = TempShtName

With Sheets("Awards")
'get each bucket
RowCount = 2
Do While .Range("A" & RowCount) <> ""
percent = .Range("A" & RowCount)
MinAward = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MaxAward = .Range("C" & RowCount)

With Sheets("Contracts")
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If

LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
With .Columns(AmountCol & ":" & AmountCol)
End With

.Range(AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=">=" & MinAward, _
Operator:=xlAnd, _
Criteria2:="<" & MaxAward

With Sheets(TempShtName)
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
'clear temporary sheet
End With

'copy filtered data to temporary sheet
.Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

End With

Call GetContracts(TempShtName, percent, AmountCol)

'create Award sheet sheet for making buckets
shtname = MinAward & " - " & MaxAward

Set AwardSht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
AwardSht.Name = shtname

'copy filtered data to Award sheet
Sheets(TempShtName).Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

'remove column IV from the Award sheet

RowCount = RowCount + 1
End With

With Sheets("Contracts")
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
End With

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

End Sub
Sub GetContracts(shtname As String, percent As Single, AmountCol As String)

'sub routine to get a percentage of the contracts in a range
'filter the worksheet
'main routine will copy the filtered data

With Sheets(shtname)

'sort contracts highest to lowest
LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Rows("1:" & LastRow).Sort _
key1:=.Range(AmountCol & "1"), _

'Get Grand Total for range
RangeTotal = Evaluate("Sum(" & AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow &
Awards = RangeTotal * percent

Total = 0
'put an X in column IV for every contract that keeps total under Awards
For RowCount = 2 To LastRow
Amount = .Range(AmountCol & RowCount)
If Amount + Total <= Awards Then
.Range("IV" & RowCount) = "X"
Total = Total + Amount
End If
Next RowCount

'filter on formula in column IV
With .Columns("IV:IV")
End With

.Range("IV2:IV" & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _

End With

End Sub


Hi Joel,

You are great, i learned alot from you, however i tested the second macro,
it works that way it supposed to only on the first row in awards sheet, it
copies number of the contracts in a different sheet which is according to my
min and max (0-5000) after creating the next sheet i get these lines
highlited in yellow as an error

Set AwardSht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
AwardSht.Name = shtname

Thanks you very much



I just realized the problem, however i dont know how to fix it, I have the
following in awards sheet

% Min Max
5% 0 5000
30% 0 5000
10% 0 5000
9% 0 5000
6% 0 5000

since it cant create the 2nd sheet with the same name, its giving me that


I thought about this problem last night and found a simple solution. A a
number infront of each sheet name. I used RowCount which will be unique for
each award. I sutracted 1 since RowCount starts with 2.

change this line
shtname = (RowCount - 1) & " : " MinAward & " - " & MaxAward

There is a 2nd problem with the code that you need to fix. Having more than
1 award in a range means you have to prevent the same contract from being
awarded twice.


i changed the code, i am getting the following error, compile error Expected:
End of statement and the entire new line turns red.

and how can i fix the 2nd problem?


I had a typo in my last posting

shtname = (RowCount - 1) & " - " & MinAward & " - " & MaxAward

A colon can't be used in a sheet name.

Also I found the evaluate statement need to include the sheet name otherwise
it might refer to the wrong sheet

'Get Grand Total for range
RangeTotal = Evaluate( _
"Sum(" & shtname & "!" & AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow & ")")
Awards = RangeTotal * percent


Hi Joel,

great now it creates multiple sheets for each, however there are 2 problems

1. when it copies to other sheets, it doubles every single records
for example if there is a record with 20.00 it will copy and paste the
same record twice
2. it awards the same records into each buckets, which you mentioned before
as well.


Remeber to change the column letter where the amounts are located

I made a lot of changes and improvements to the code.

The three main thing I changed are the following

1) I now test in the award table if adjacent rows have the same min and max
amounts. Make sure you always keep the same ranges together in this table.
I only filter and copy the range once from the contract sheet to the
temporary sheet.

2) The temporary sheet I initially put an X in column IV when a contract is
assigned. Then filter on the X and copy the x's to a new worksheet. Then I
replace the X with an A (awarded). The next award in the same range I skip
the A's so I don't award the contract more than once.

3) I put a summary row for each new worksheet that contains the expected
award , the actual award, the total for the range, and the actual award.

Sub MakeBuckets()

Const AmountCol As String = "C"
Const TempShtName As String = "Temporary"

Dim percent As Single
Dim RangeTotal As Single

Set AwardSht = Sheets("Awards")
Set ContractSht = Sheets("Contracts")

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Delete all worksheets except Awards and Contracts
For ShtCount = Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1
If Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Awards" And _
Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Contracts" Then

End If
Next ShtCount

'create temporary sheet for making buckets
Set Tmpsht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
Tmpsht.Name = TempShtName

With AwardSht
'get each bucket
RowCount = 2
Do While .Range("A" & RowCount) <> ""

With Tmpsht
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
End With

percent = .Range("A" & RowCount)
MinAward = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MaxAward = .Range("C" & RowCount)

'only copy award range once if there are multiple
'awards in the same range
If MinAward <> .Range("B" & (RowCount - 1)) Or _
MaxAward <> .Range("C" & (RowCount - 1)) Then

With ContractSht
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If

LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
With .Columns(AmountCol & ":" & AmountCol)
End With

.Range(AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=">=" & MinAward, _
Operator:=xlAnd, _
Criteria2:="<" & MaxAward

'clear temporary sheet

'copy filtered data to temporary sheet
.Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

'sort contracts highest to lowest
LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Rows("1:" & LastRow).Sort _
key1:=.Range(AmountCol & "1"), _

End With

End If

Call GetContracts(TempShtName, percent, AmountCol, RangeTotal)

'create Range sheet sheet for making buckets
shtname = "(" & (RowCount - 1) & ") " & MinAward & " - " & MaxAward

Set RangeSht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
RangeSht.Name = shtname

With Tmpsht

'copy filtered data to Award sheet
.Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
End With

With RangeSht
'remove column IV from the Award sheet

'Get Last row
LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
SummaryRow = LastRow + 2
'put formula total columns
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(0, -1) = "Total Awards"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(0, 0).Formula = _
"=SUM(" & AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow & ")"
Total = .Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(0, 0)
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(1, -1) = "Total Range"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(1, 0) = RangeTotal
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(2, -1) = "Expected Award"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(2, 0) = RangeTotal * percent
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(3, -1) = "Expected Percent"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(3, 0) = percent
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(4, -1) = "Actual Percent"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(4, 0) = Total / (RangeTotal)

End With

RowCount = RowCount + 1
End With

With ContractSht
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
End With

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

End Sub
Sub GetContracts(shtname As String, percent As Single, AmountCol As String, _
ByRef RangeTotal As Single)

'sub routine to get a percentage of the contracts in a range
'filter the worksheet
'main routine will copy the filtered data

With Sheets(shtname)
'replace any awarded contract with an X in column IV with A (awarded)
'this is so the same contract doesn't get awarded twice
.Columns("IV").Replace _
What:="X", _
Replacement:="A", _

LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

'Get Grand Total for range
RangeTotal = Evaluate( _
"Sum(" & shtname & "!" & AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow & ")")
Awards = RangeTotal * percent

Total = 0
'put an X in column IV for every contract that keeps total under Awards
For RowCount = 2 To LastRow
'test if contract already awareded
If .Range("IV" & RowCount) <> "A" Then
Amount = .Range(AmountCol & RowCount)
If Amount + Total <= Awards Then
.Range("IV" & RowCount) = "X"
Total = Total + Amount
End If
End If
Next RowCount

'check if ther is filtered data
Cellsnotempty = Evaluate("Counta(" & shtname & "!IV:IV)")

If Cellsnotempty > 0 Then

'filter on formula in column IV
With .Columns("IV:IV")
End With

.Range("IV2:IV" & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
End If

End With

End Sub


I wanted to put the award information for each row back into the Award

Here are the changes

Sub MakeBuckets()

Const AmountCol As String = "C"
Const TempShtName As String = "Temporary"

Dim percent As Single
Dim RangeTotal As Single

Set AwardSht = Sheets("Awards")
Set ContractSht = Sheets("Contracts")

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Delete all worksheets except Awards and Contracts
For ShtCount = Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1
If Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Awards" And _
Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Contracts" Then

End If
Next ShtCount

'create temporary sheet for making buckets
Set Tmpsht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
Tmpsht.Name = TempShtName

With AwardSht
'add header row info
.Range("A1") = "%"
.Range("B1") = "Min"
.Range("C1") = "Max"
.Range("D1") = "Range Total"
.Range("E1") = "Expected Award"
.Range("F1") = "Actual Award"
.Range("G1") = "Actual %"

'get each bucket
RowCount = 2
Do While .Range("A" & RowCount) <> ""

With Tmpsht
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
End With

percent = .Range("A" & RowCount)
MinAward = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MaxAward = .Range("C" & RowCount)

'only copy award range once if there are multiple
'awards in the same range
If MinAward <> .Range("B" & (RowCount - 1)) Or _
MaxAward <> .Range("C" & (RowCount - 1)) Then

With ContractSht
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If

LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
With .Columns(AmountCol & ":" & AmountCol)
End With

.Range(AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=">=" & MinAward, _
Operator:=xlAnd, _
Criteria2:="<" & MaxAward

'clear temporary sheet

'copy filtered data to temporary sheet
.Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

'sort contracts highest to lowest
LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Rows("1:" & LastRow).Sort _
key1:=.Range(AmountCol & "1"), _

'Get Grand Total for range
RangeTotal = Evaluate( _
"Sum(" & TempShtName & "!" & AmountCol & "2:" & _
AmountCol & LastRow & ")")

End With

End If

Award = RangeTotal * percent
Call GetContracts(TempShtName, AmountCol, Award)

'create Range sheet sheet for making buckets
shtname = "(" & (RowCount - 1) & ") " & MinAward & " - " & MaxAward

Set RangeSht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
RangeSht.Name = shtname

With Tmpsht

'copy filtered data to Award sheet
.Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

End With

With RangeSht
'remove column IV from the Award sheet

'Get Last row
LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
SummaryRow = LastRow + 2
'put formula total columns
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(0, -1) = "Total Awards"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(0, 0).Formula = _
"=SUM(" & AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow & ")"
Total = .Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(0, 0)
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(1, -1) = "Total Range"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(1, 0) = RangeTotal
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(2, -1) = "Expected Award"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(2, 0) = RangeTotal * percent
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(3, -1) = "Expected Percent"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(3, 0) = percent
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(4, -1) = "Actual Percent"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(4, 0) = Total / RangeTotal

End With

With AwardSht
.Range("D" & RowCount) = RangeTotal
.Range("E" & RowCount) = RangeTotal * percent
.Range("F" & RowCount) = Total
.Range("G" & RowCount) = Total / RangeTotal
End With

RowCount = RowCount + 1
End With

With ContractSht
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
End With

With AwardSht
End With

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

End Sub
Sub GetContracts(ByVal shtname As String, ByVal AmountCol As String, _
ByVal Award As Single)

'sub routine to get a percentage of the contracts in a range
'filter the worksheet
'main routine will copy the filtered data

With Sheets(shtname)
'replace any awarded contract with an X in column IV with A (awarded)
'this is so the same contract doesn't get awarded twice
.Columns("IV").Replace _
What:="X", _
Replacement:="A", _

LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Total = 0
'put an X in column IV for every contract that keeps total under Awards
For RowCount = 2 To LastRow
'test if contract already awareded
If .Range("IV" & RowCount) <> "A" Then
Amount = .Range(AmountCol & RowCount)
If Amount + Total <= Award Then
.Range("IV" & RowCount) = "X"
Total = Total + Amount
End If
End If
Next RowCount

'check if ther is filtered data
Cellsnotempty = Evaluate("Counta(" & shtname & "!IV:IV)")

If Cellsnotempty > 0 Then

'filter on formula in column IV
With .Columns("IV:IV")
End With

.Range("IV2:IV" & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
End If

End With

End Sub


Hi Joel,

I cant thank you enough, it works like a charm, however one last thing, let
me know if i am asking for too much i will stop here,

is there away that it can get me list of the contracts that it was not able
to distribute to the buckets, for example in the first bucket it found
contracts totaling 50,000.00. Based on the distribution schedule it was able
to distribute only 49000.00 in total to different buckets. in a seperate
sheet can it get me the list of contracts that make up the remaining 1000.00,
so i can distribute it manually to the buckets?


Again, I knew this question was coming. I like to do programs in pieces
getting one part done and then addin features later. No problem

I added a new function to filter the temporay sheet to look for empty cells
in column IV which is the unawarded contracts. I had to call the sub twice.
The code before clearing the temporary sheet for each range copies the
unawarded contracts. I also have to call it at the end of the program to get
the unawarded from the last range.

Sub MakeBuckets()

Const AmountCol As String = "C"
Const TempShtName As String = "Temporary"
Const NonAwardShtName As String = "Non-Awarded"

Dim percent As Single
Dim RangeTotal As Single

Set AwardSht = Sheets("Awards")
Set ContractSht = Sheets("Contracts")

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Delete all worksheets except Awards and Contracts
For ShtCount = Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1
If Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Awards" And _
Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Contracts" Then

End If
Next ShtCount

'create temporary sheet for making buckets
Set TmpSht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
TmpSht.Name = TempShtName

'create temporary sheet for making buckets
Set NonAwardSht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
NonAwardSht.Name = NonAwardShtName
'put header row in non award sheet
ContractSht.Rows(1).Copy _

With AwardSht
'add header row info
.Range("A1") = "%"
.Range("B1") = "Min"
.Range("C1") = "Max"
.Range("D1") = "Range Total"
.Range("E1") = "Expected Award"
.Range("F1") = "Actual Award"
.Range("G1") = "Actual %"

'get each bucket
RowCount = 2
Do While .Range("A" & RowCount) <> ""

With TmpSht
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
End With

percent = .Range("A" & RowCount)
MinAward = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MaxAward = .Range("C" & RowCount)

'only copy award range once if there are multiple
'awards in the same range
If MinAward <> .Range("B" & (RowCount - 1)) Or _
MaxAward <> .Range("C" & (RowCount - 1)) Then

With TmpSht
'copy non awarded contracts from last range
'don't need to copy for the first range where rowcount = 2
If RowCount <> 2 Then
Call CopyNonAwarded(TempShtName, NonAwardShtName, AmountCol)
End If
'clear temporary sheet

End With

With ContractSht
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If

LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
With .Columns(AmountCol & ":" & AmountCol)
End With

.Range(AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=">=" & MinAward, _
Operator:=xlAnd, _
Criteria2:="<" & MaxAward

'copy filtered data to temporary sheet
.Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

'sort contracts highest to lowest
LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Rows("1:" & LastRow).Sort _
key1:=.Range(AmountCol & "1"), _

'Get Grand Total for range
RangeTotal = Evaluate( _
"Sum(" & TempShtName & "!" & AmountCol & "2:" & _
AmountCol & LastRow & ")")

End With

End If

Award = RangeTotal * percent
Call GetContracts(TempShtName, AmountCol, Award)

'create Range sheet sheet for making buckets
shtname = "(" & (RowCount - 1) & ") " & MinAward & " - " & MaxAward

Set RangeSht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
RangeSht.Name = shtname

With TmpSht

'copy filtered data to Award sheet
.Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

End With

With RangeSht
'remove column IV from the Award sheet

'Get Last row
LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
SummaryRow = LastRow + 2
'put formula total columns
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(0, -1) = "Total Awards"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(0, 0).Formula = _
"=SUM(" & AmountCol & "2:" & AmountCol & LastRow & ")"
Total = .Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(0, 0)
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(1, -1) = "Total Range"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(1, 0) = RangeTotal
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(2, -1) = "Expected Award"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(2, 0) = RangeTotal * percent
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(3, -1) = "Expected Percent"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(3, 0) = percent
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(4, -1) = "Actual Percent"
.Range(AmountCol & SummaryRow).Offset(4, 0) = Total / RangeTotal

End With

With AwardSht
.Range("D" & RowCount) = RangeTotal
.Range("E" & RowCount) = RangeTotal * percent
.Range("F" & RowCount) = Total
.Range("G" & RowCount) = Total / RangeTotal
End With

RowCount = RowCount + 1
End With

With ContractSht
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
End With

With AwardSht
End With

'copy last set of un awarded contracts
With TmpSht
'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If
Call CopyNonAwarded(TempShtName, NonAwardShtName, AmountCol)

'turn off autofilter
If .AutoFilterMode Then
End If

End With

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

End Sub
Sub GetContracts(ByVal shtname As String, ByVal AmountCol As String, _
ByVal Award As Single)

'sub routine to get a percentage of the contracts in a range
'filter the worksheet
'main routine will copy the filtered data

With Sheets(shtname)
'replace any awarded contract with an X in column IV with A (awarded)
'this is so the same contract doesn't get awarded twice
.Columns("IV").Replace _
What:="X", _
Replacement:="A", _

LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Total = 0
'put an X in column IV for every contract that keeps total under Awards
For RowCount = 2 To LastRow
'test if contract already awareded
If .Range("IV" & RowCount) <> "A" Then
Amount = .Range(AmountCol & RowCount)
If Amount + Total <= Award Then
.Range("IV" & RowCount) = "X"
Total = Total + Amount
End If
End If
Next RowCount

'check if there is filtered data
Cellsnotempty = Evaluate("Counta(" & shtname & "!IV:IV)")

If Cellsnotempty > 0 Then

'filter on formula in column IV
With .Columns("IV:IV")
End With

.Range("IV2:IV" & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
End If

End With

End Sub
Sub CopyNonAwarded(ByVal tmpshtname As String, NonAwardShtName, ByVal
AmountCol As String)

Set NonAwardSht = Sheets(NonAwardShtName)

With Sheets(tmpshtname)
'filter items that don't contain blank in column IV

'check if there is filtered data
Cellsnotempty = Evaluate("Counta(" & tmpshtname & "!IV:IV)")

If Cellsnotempty > 0 Then
LastRow = NonAwardSht.Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
NewRow = LastRow + 1

LastRow = .Range(AmountCol & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

'filter on formula in column IV
With .Columns("IV:IV")
End With

.Range("IV2:IV" & LastRow).AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _

.Rows("2:" & LastRow).SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _
End If
End With
End Sub


Hi Joel,

I got an error message and this line is highlighted and the error message is
"Sub or function no defined"

Call CopyNonAwarded(TempShtName, NonAwardShtName, AmountCol)


I got it, there a line in the sub that you had created for copynonawarded,
now it works great, thank you Joel, you are great


hi Joel,

if there are no non-awarded contract it will highlight these line and give
me error

.Rows("2:" & LastRow).SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

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