Kaj Pedersen
When a cell contains text as well as a number is it possible then to copy
only the number to a new cell?
The number does not appear on a certain position from the beginning of the
cell as the text varies, but it is always to be found at the end of the
string and vary between 3 and 5 digits. Before the number is always a space.
There are a different number of spaces in the text also.
Kaj Pedersen
When a cell contains text as well as a number is it possible then to copy
only the number to a new cell?
The number does not appear on a certain position from the beginning of the
cell as the text varies, but it is always to be found at the end of the
string and vary between 3 and 5 digits. Before the number is always a space.
There are a different number of spaces in the text also.
Kaj Pedersen