Copy & Paste capability in published forms



I am creating a form to be used by our customers online. What I've noticed in
my repeating table (in Preview) there is a copy & paste capability for the
user to copy prior row data when only one data element is needing to be
changed. But when I publish the form and do a test run of the actual form in
the browser, the user does not have that capability (only insert before/after
or remove). Is there some specific code I need to use in order for this
capability to be transferred into the published form?

Is there anyway to have the prior row data prepopulated into an inserted row

Gavin McKay


This functionality may not be available in a published browser-enabled form
- someone else might be able to confirm. Copy-and-paste you are referring to
is probably OK in the infopath Windows designer/viewer, but in the
browser-based form this probably won't work, which sounds like the situation
you are describing.

You could code this functionality and manually add a copy of the previous
rows xml values as a new xml element to the datasource. A bit messy, but
reasonably straight-forward. I did try and create my own buttons on a
repeating table control to do this, but it seems developers are locked out of
modifying this functionality in Infopath i.e. the "add new row" items from
the repeating table menu. You would have to create your own custom button at
the end of each row to get this to work.




Thank you Gavin, this is helpful. One question say "You could
code this functionality and manually add a copy of the previous rows xml
values as a new xml element to the datasource.", but how would I go about
doing that?


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