This is what I'm doing:
1. In Excel, I copy a selection within a spreadsheet
2. Go to Powerpoint and select Paste Special
3. Choose to paste as Picture (it does confirm that I am pasting from the spreadsheet I copied the selection from)
4. Powerpoint places the copied selection in my presentation as a picture
5. I repeat steps 1 -3 above with a different copied selectionin Excel, but nothing happens when I try to paste special/picture into Powerpoint.
On occasion, it will let me do it twice, but I always have to close the Excel spreadsheet, which brings up the "There is a large amount of data on the clipboard" dialogue box. I select No to clear it, reopen the spreadsheet, and then I can copy/paste once or twice again.
I'm not copying over a large amount of data - probably only about 100 cells at a time. I have 3 gigs of RAM and I'm not overloading it by any means. It just seems like the clipboard is running out of memory??
Thanks for you help.
As a work-around until there's a fix, hold the Shift Key down in Excel
and use the Edit menu. It will offer Copy Picture.
Also, you might try using the scrapbook feature to see if that works.
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