Copy/Paste Problem in MS Word



Hi, we have a user who uses the copy/paste feature in word 2003
What is happening is she copies text into the clipboard, goes into
another document, and the paste/paste special icons are grayed out as
if nothing is in the clipboard.

We have tried the following:
1)Minimizing the first document-keeping it open and trying to paste
into the second one. Doesn't work;
2)Copying the information. Then, closing the document that we want to
copy the information from. Doesn't work;
3)Creating a new profile for her. Worked for one day. Now doesn't work
(note: this also recreates her file).

Here is what DOES work:
1)Opening up the document that she wants to paste into FIRST;
2)Opening up the document that she wants to paste from SECOND.

So, its as though what is happening is that word doesn't recognize that
another instance of itself is open unless you open that instance first.

To be clear, the reverse does not work-ie. if she opens up the document
that she wants to paste from first, and then the one she wants to paste
into second, well the paste button is not available and neither is

The user is running Windows XP, Office 2003. All the service packs,
etc. etc. have been applied. We have scanned for viruses and

Any suggestions? Thank you.


I have XP Pro with SP2+ and Office XP.

I would probably have solved the problem by: -
1) Opening Microsoft Word Program
A) Open up either document required (shouldn't matter, which way around)
2) Opening another Microsft Word Program
B) Open the other document required
3) Then I would CUT, COPY and PASTE information from one document to another.

It therefore, means that I wouldn't use the 'CLIP BOARD' but the CUT or COPY
and PASTE method.

Probably the problem is that only one 'CLIP BOARD' can only be created.

It is probably also impossible to copy information from one 'CLIP BOARD' to
another 'CLIP BOARD' , but I have never tried it.

I have also probably never seen more than one 'CLIP BOARD' created in any
word processing package by any manufacturer.

If you are asking why should there be any need to create two 'CLIP BOARD': -
1) It is because you can only work on for example one document at a time.
A) If I am working on the 'from' document (COPY from and to another
1: It will be 'highlighted' and therefore 'ACTIVE'
2: the 'to' document will be 'INACTIVE' but
B) When I am working on the 'to' document to PASTE to then
1: The 'from' document will become 'INACTIVE' and
2: The 'to' document will become 'ACTIVE' .
C) The 'CLIP BOARD' on the 'from' document contains
1: The 'CLIP BOARD' with the information, which is now 'INACTIVE'
2: When you click on the 'to' document, it becomes 'ACTIVE'.
A: BUT there is nothing on 'to', 'ACTIVE', 'CLIP BOARD' unless
1} The 'CLIP BOARD' on the 'from' document has been
duplicated or
2} The 'CLIP BOARD' on the 'from' document' has been COPIED.
3} If copying and or duplication was allowed it could get
A} If a person wanted to alter the 'to', 'CLIP
BOARD' information
but not the 'CLIP BOARD' on the 'From'
document BUT
B} Most important I would have thought that it
would be far too
easy for information on documents to become
C} There are far too many problems with: -
1] Software (programs)
2] Hardware (problems)
3] Internet (problems)
4] Etcetera
Without virtually every time the CLIPBOARD is
used it corrupts
(ruins), which could be at least hours of work.

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