copy personal contacts into global address book


Chris Plamann

How do I move all of the contacts from my personal contact list into the
Global Address Book?

Brian Tillman

Chris Plamann said:
How do I move all of the contacts from my personal contact list into
the Global Address Book?

You can't. The Exchange admins control the content of the GAL.

Chris Plamann

We use HP hosted exchange. Would they be able to do this for me if I asked
them to?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

No, the GAL is a representation of mail enabled mailboxes. Your contacts do
not have mailboxes on your Exchange server.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Chris Plamann asked:

| We use HP hosted exchange. Would they be able to do this for me if I
| asked them to?
||| How do I move all of the contacts from my personal contact list into
||| the Global Address Book?
|| You can't. The Exchange admins control the content of the GAL.
|| --
|| Brian Tillman


I guess I have the converse of this question. How do you force the GAL
to show up in every user's Contacts?


I guess I have the converse of this question. How do you force the GAL
to show up in every user's Contacts?


I guess I have the converse of this question. How do you force the GAL
to show up in every user's Contacts?


I guess I have the converse of this question. How do you force the GAL
to show up in every user's Contacts?


I guess I have the converse of this question. How do you force the GAL
to show up in every user's Contacts?

Brian Tillman

Salil said:
I guess I have the converse of this question. How do you force the GAL
to show up in every user's Contacts?

Five copies of the same question? What went wrong?

Why would you want to do this? Everyone already has access to the GAL.


We want to do this too! We want the GAL or "All Contacts" list to show up in
outlook's "Contacts" because everyone likes the outlook "contacts" interface
a lot better, it is easier to sort by what they want to see and it has more
fields that are useful. Another do you add fields to the
contacts added thru active directory...where do i find the schema, and where
do i find the file to modify?

And same question as someone else...we have a large outlook contact list in
someone's profile we want to bring into GAL or "all contacts" to share do we do this?

And yes, an exchange admin will do all this and then maintain the list once
it is in...

Thanks much for your help

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

I guess I have the converse of this question. How do you force the GAL
You would have to write or buy a program (if there is such a thing) that copies GAL entries into each user's Contacts folder, remembering that all this duplication of data would be adding to the size of the user's mailbox.
Another do you add fields to the
contacts added thru active directory...where do i find the schema, and where
do i find the file to modify?

There is a tool from Microsoft called ADSIEdit, but this is not the right discussion forum. You can use for Exchange questions.
And same question as someone else...we have a large outlook contact list in
someone's profile we want to bring into GAL or "all contacts" to share do we do this?

You could copy them to a public folder. Or, on the Exchange forum, you can ask about import tools.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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