I've been able to set up an exit macro on previous projects to create a new
row in a protected form. In this case I have different fields that I want to
The table contains three columns each with the following fields (starting at
row 2).
The first row Cell has a numbered field "1" and incrimenting by +1 as each
new row is added.
The second cell is a textfield, straightforward to insert.
The third has a dropdown list containing "1" and "2" I hope to be able to do
this on my own.
My main problem is making the first cell incremental as each new row is
added, I don't know what type of field to use, or how to programme it so that
the number increases at each new row.
I've been able to set up an exit macro on previous projects to create a new
row in a protected form. In this case I have different fields that I want to
The table contains three columns each with the following fields (starting at
row 2).
The first row Cell has a numbered field "1" and incrimenting by +1 as each
new row is added.
The second cell is a textfield, straightforward to insert.
The third has a dropdown list containing "1" and "2" I hope to be able to do
this on my own.
My main problem is making the first cell incremental as each new row is
added, I don't know what type of field to use, or how to programme it so that
the number increases at each new row.