copy row if contain keyword



Hi Everyone,

i am pretty sure this is an easy fix but i can't seem to figure it out. I
am trying to write the following: find the row that the date fall within
certain date and then within that row, look at cell column "E" and find a
keyword, then both conditions are met then copy the entire row into

I am unable to get the "find the rows that the date fall within certain
dates" but I can't get the second part. I can't get it though the second if.
My code is below: (please help)

date1 = Me.StartDate.Value
date2 = Me.EndDate.Value
keyword = Me.Product.Value

With Worksheets("Complaint Log")
Set datecompRng = .Range("I2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp))
Set DescripRng = .Range("E2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp))
End With


For Each datecompRng In datecompRng.Cells
If datecompRng >= date1 And datecompRng <= date2 Then
MsgBox "date between"
If Cells(datecompRng, "E").Value = "*keyword*" Then
MsgBox "contain word"
Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll
'copy the row
'paste the row in sheet reports
End If
End If
Next datecompRng

thank you,


I did not test this but I think the modifications should allow it to do what
you want

date1 = Me.StartDate.Value
date2 = Me.EndDate.Value
keyword = Me.Product.Value

With Worksheets("Complaint Log")
Set datecompRng = .Range("I2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp))
Set DescripRng = .Range("E2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp))
End With


For Each dt In datecompRng.Cells
If dt >= date1 And dt <= date2 Then
MsgBox "date between"
If Cells(dt.Row, "E").Value = "*keyword*" Then
MsgBox "contain word"
Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll
'copy the row
'paste the row in sheet reports
End If
End If
Next datecompRng


your change didn't work.

The keyword is going to be a word or two words (whatever the user decide to
input). And I want to compare the string inside the column E cells to the
keyword. If any of the words inside the cell matches with the keyword(s),
then I want to copy that entire row.


Dave Peterson

If Cells(datecompRng, "E").Value = "*keyword*" Then
could be:

If Cells(datecompRng, "E").Value like "*" & keyword & "*" Then
If lcase(Cells(datecompRng, "E").Value) like "*" & lcase(keyword) & "*" Then

If instr(1, Cells(datecompRng, "E").Value, keyword, vbtextcompare) > 0 Then


I tried all of your methods and it still doesn't work. If I have nothing in
the Me.product field, then it goes thru the loop. But when I do have
something in the field (i.e. POD), then it doesn't go thru the loop.

please help. thank you!

Dave Peterson

The first thing I would do is to qualify all the ranges.

Cells(datecompRng, "E").Value
Worksheets("Complaint Log").Cells(datecompRng, "E").Value

Then the next thing I would do is to eliminate some tests to see if I could get
it to work.

'put something in x999 that should work
For Each datecompRng In Worksheets("Complaint Log").range("X999").cells
'drop this check
'If datecompRng >= date1 And datecompRng <= date2 Then
MsgBox "date between"
If lcase(Worksheets("Complaint Log")Cells(datecompRng, "E").Value)
= like "*" & lcase(keyword) & "*" Then
MsgBox "contains word"
End If
'End If
Next datecompRng

To see if that works.


Hi Dave,

thanks for helping out. With your hints, the code finally works.

this is what i had to do:

If LCase(Worksheets("Complaint Log").Cells(datecompRng.Row,
DescripRng.Column).Value) Like "*" & LCase(keyword) & "*" Then

thanks again.

- Tracktraining

Dave Peterson

Sorry about the typo (missing the dot).

But glad you got it working.
Hi Dave,

thanks for helping out. With your hints, the code finally works.

this is what i had to do:

If LCase(Worksheets("Complaint Log").Cells(datecompRng.Row,
DescripRng.Column).Value) Like "*" & LCase(keyword) & "*" Then

thanks again.

- Tracktraining

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