copy secondary datasource in the principal source




I have added a connexion to a sharepoint library, with one field : Title
It works very well, when i choose this data source in a drop down list, i
load the list of the documents of the library (doc1.doc, doc2.xls...)

But I would like to have only the part before the "." in my drop down list
(doc1, doc2...).
In my prncipal datasource, I created an extensible group and a field
(SmallTitle) and i put the default value as following :
When i choose SmallTitle in my drop down list, i load only the first item of
my list (doc1)

How could I have the entire field of an external datasource in a field of my
principal data source ?

Tahnx in advance

NB : I added a calculated field in my sharepoint list but i cannot load it
in my form (apparently we cannot connect to calculated columns)

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